11:55 AM
- last edited on
02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-09-2024 10:14 PM - edited 09-09-2024 10:30 PM
I see no compelling reason for this to be a feature built into Firefox. I think that AI does have its place in the world, but due to the many issues with LLMs/Chatbots, such as data scraping concerns, sky-high energy and water usage, many privacy issues, and their tendency to 'hallucinate,' there is no reason that they should be anywhere near a web browser. That's insane.
This seems like an ill-advised attempt to ride the same bandwagon as everyone else is riding. Firefox has been my #1 browser of choice for years precisely because the people behind it genuinely seem invested in providing a streamlined, efficient, no bull**bleep** browser that does what I want it to, no more and no less. If I need something else, the modularity provided by community addons makes it easy to customize it the way I want. Mozilla/Firefox's brand identity is built on being different, and better, than its rival Google/Chrome- This effort to be the same as every other browser erodes that identity, and with it, any reason to use it over its competitors. I'm genuinely curious if any significant portion of Firefox's userbase has actually been asking for these integrations, but by the other responses to this thread, I'm going to say no. No one wants this.
09-09-2024 10:18 PM
Please do not do this. I am sick and tired of AI being shoved down my throat. The negative societal and environmental impacts cannot be ignored. If AI is implemented in Firefox, I'm out.
09-09-2024 10:24 PM
What problem are you intending the AI to solve? Because 99.9% of all the times I've seen AI implemented, it has been mostly because AI is the trendy new tool and not because it's actually useful. When the AI is added, it makes the thing it was added to measurably worse. (Hallucinating nonsense, obscuring the actual thing I'm looking for by enabling people to create a flood of "content" that isn't useful, and many more.) I would hate for Firefox to add the thing that is actively making the internet worse.
09-09-2024 10:23 PM
This kind of stuff is why I switched to Firefox, I don't want more ai stuff everywhere I go. Ai is the biggest contributor to modern misinformation campaigns and ai has created awnsers that will kill people. Ai has no place built into a web browser itself.
09-09-2024 10:25 PM
Please do not. "AI" is infiltrating so many tools I use lately, and in my experience it has always been for the worse. I do believe that LLMs and other "AI" have uses, but those uses are limited and the technology only functions properly with direct supervision. I know it's the latest tech fad, but I'm hoping it goes the way of blockchain scams soon. It's making the entire internet worse and harder to use.
09-09-2024 10:28 PM
Please don't. The integration of AI is one of the many primary reasons why I left Google Chrome.
09-09-2024 10:32 PM
09-09-2024 10:33 PM
Please no. Listen to your userbase. The core ones are those who drive the few conversions that are left. Just make a good browser that promotes independent services. Add fediverse features if you must do something. Or reinstate rss. Otherwise just keep making a solid browser.
09-09-2024 10:34 PM
absolutely the **bleep** not, I use Firefox because it DOESN'T have bull**bleep** like this. environmentally disastrous, unethical data scraping, no way.
09-09-2024 10:44 PM
Please don't. Not having AI is one of the main reasons I am using Firefox, and it would be a shame to see that go.
09-09-2024 10:44 PM
Keep AI away from Firefox. I want my internet to be as secure and simple as possible.
09-09-2024 10:46 PM
It's pretty clear from @Mardak 's constant sidestepping of the core issues people are raising that Mozilla is intent on pursuing this integration - community's concerns be damned. I have no idea why this person has been entrusted with this particular degree of autonomy over the browser - they certainly have not been appropriately trained in collecting user feedback.
I suppose now's as good a time as any to switch to an alternative.
Sad to see Mozilla slip this way.
09-09-2024 10:58 PM
I would much rather the option to hide and remove all ai content and engagement boxes. The applied statistics LLM is not fit for any purpose bar wasting water in a desert and tricking money hungry employers to seeing it as the free alternative to labour.
Please do not. I appreciate you want comments on how it is working etc but I need you to be aware that if I cannot find an AI free browser I will teach myself how to make one.
09-09-2024 10:59 PM
Please DO NOT institute AI services in Firefox. This is the one browser left that is not engaging with AI shenanigans. It is not a useful tool, it is environmentally harmful and we just don't need it.
09-09-2024 10:59 PM
Please do not do this.
09-09-2024 10:59 PM
DO NOT WANT. There's a reason I switched to Firefox, and it was too avoid all the nonsense that Google was pulling, genAI being the latest salvo. GenAI is just a climate-ruining, resource guzzling mediocrity machine, and I want no part of it.
09-09-2024 11:10 PM
we don't need it attached to the browser. It's already unavoidable in a lot of other places, the people who want AI can go find it there. AI is too hallucinatory to be useful, it needs a lot more time to bake before it can be anything it claims to be. Don't give in to the hype, let Firefox stay a bastion free from AI nonsense, please and thank you
09-09-2024 11:10 PM
Christ in heaven, PLEASE NO AI
09-09-2024 11:15 PM
Agree with the many others here - NO
So many other places (including WINDOWS itself) are shoving AI down our throats like it's some kind of miracle tool, when there are demonstrably many serious moral, ethical, policy, and privacy issues with it. Y'all don't need to join the train in this. Please do not add this feature (or any other AI/Chatbot features) to Firefox.
09-09-2024 11:15 PM
Please, please, please no. Absolutely begging you to not. Please.
09-09-2024 11:15 PM
Feedback? Sure: **bleep** off.
09-09-2024 11:16 PM
Hi, thanks for the update. I will stop using Firefox forever if this feature is added.
09-09-2024 11:16 PM
Please do not do this. In a moment when Google is already failing us, it is disappointing to think that Mozilla might follow them down the gold rush rabbit hole. Generative AI isn’t a general solution to anything. At *best* it is a part of a solution to a narrow problem, and even then, it won’t be able to realize that value until overt charlatans like OpenAI have collapsed and taken everyone they scammed with them.
09-09-2024 11:20 PM
Absolutely not. I am against anything AI. I do not want it to help me 'search' or whatever 'services' AI uses. You mean using millions of STOLEN arts to power itself to make regurgitation crap? Absolutely not. Firefox is one of the last bastions of en**bleep**ification of the internet. Do not en**bleep**ify your browser by adding AI garbage to it. Even if it IS optional adding AI to Firefox with significantly decrease my trust in Firefox. Utilizing AI is a death kneel. Do not fall for its garbage promises.
09-09-2024 11:20 PM
**bleep** AI. For the love of stars make it at the very least very easy to deactivate. We're using Firefox to avoid this very kind of thing, do not betray us
09-09-2024 11:21 PM
No thank you.
09-09-2024 11:23 PM
Please god no. I like Firefox because it is the browser that doesn't contain things like AI. I think a lot of us like Firefox because it lacks a lot of the nonsense "features" of other browsers. Langauge Learning Models are big, expensive, and energy intensive, and yet they solve no real practical problems. This "A.I." is a useless feature that does nothing to improve the experience of using Firefox. Please remove this "feature" as soon as possible, if we wanted this sort of thing we'd be using literally any other browser.
09-09-2024 11:24 PM - edited 09-09-2024 11:25 PM
This AI functionality which extends Firefox should be an extension. It's that simple.
Now to go into the ethics....I would never use it and never wanted this product and I think gen ai could be violation of copyright.
I will stop using Firefox and use Midori, falkon, or waterfox before I deal with this in my computers.
You guys are acting crypto/NFT koolaide mode.
09-09-2024 11:23 PM
I think AI has a long, LONG way to go before it can serve as a useful addition to any browsing experience! At the moment, AI still has a dreadful record with regards to providing false or "hallucinated" information in response to search queries, not to mention the massive copyright infringement in the content it's fed on. It's also inherited a lot of nasty biases regarding gender, race, etc., so I absolutely don't trust it to make my user experience any better whatsoever. I realise this is an optional feature, but better to avoid it altogether!
09-09-2024 11:27 PM
NO AI! Firefox is better WITHOUT it!!
09-09-2024 11:28 PM
I hope you understand that the kind of person who specifically chooses Firefox over the competition is the kind of person who's most likely to be anti-AI. There are so many ethical, environmental, and privacy concerns about the use of AI. It'd be one thing if this was an extension, but to turn AI chatbots into a built-in feature of the browser is antithetical to what the company supposedly stands for.
Perhaps the overwhelmingly negative response to the topic will wake you up to how bad this idea is.
09-09-2024 11:34 PM
This should be an optional extension (at best) instead of a core feature of Firefox.
In addition, Mozilla would do well to remember that privacy conscious users make up a majority of the Firefox power user demographic. That user demographic is very skeptical of the current generative AI hype cycle and are drawn to products (such as Firefox) that limit their exposure to the technology. That demographic also contains some of the project's greatest advocates and promoters. Adding generative AI technologies without proper due diligence and community consultation will drive that valuable demographic to competing products and will further harm Firefox perception and market share.
09-10-2024 06:14 AM
In addition to my previous comment, I would also like to add:
Adding proprietary service support to Firefox should be done through the Firefox extension store and maintained by the vendor. These services should never be a part of the basic Firefox experience. In addition, Mozilla should not be diverting their limited resources to supporting proprietary platforms without (at least) some form of financial compensation.
09-09-2024 11:43 PM
Absolutely NOT. I switched to Firefox from chrome SPECIFICALLY TO GET AWAY FROM AI.
and now I hear Firefox is considering adding AI…..not cool
we dont need AI in everything. We don’t WANT AI in everything. No. Just no.
Adding AI into Firefox will only lose you much of your userbase myself included as I’ve had enough of companies forcing AI on us in more or less every tech aspect of our lives nowdays. It’s dystopian. It’s miserable. It sucks. It’s untrustworthy and if anything’s been shown with AI in other browsers AI DOES NOT provide users with accurate answers to questions and in some cases provided users with outright DANGEROUS advice.
09-09-2024 11:42 PM
No, I don't want an AI in the browser. I chose Firefox because it's privacy-friendly, an AI would go against that. If I want to use an AI, there are lots out there I can use by going to the website.
09-09-2024 11:43 PM
please don't use AI like this, it's why I switched to firefox in the first place, this is a big big No
09-09-2024 11:45 PM
Use of Generative AI tools which were trained on copyright material is unethical. The damage these plagiarism machines are doing to both the physical environment and our collective repositories of knowledge is immense.
I have used Firefox for many years. If this feature is permitted to exist it will be clear that Mozilla's values no longer match mine. I will never use Firefox again.
09-09-2024 11:45 PM
Please do not do this I specifically dont want generative AI intergration. And
09-09-2024 11:47 PM
Ehm ... no.
09-09-2024 11:47 PM
I love Firefox, but I will drop it like a hot coal if you add in any type of AI. We don't want it, we don't need it.