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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,728 REPLIES 3,728

Making moves

This feature is of questionable usefulness and morally dubious. It would be a shame if Firefox got tainted by this.

I really like some of the recent changes to Firefox, like the offline translation and the upcoming vertical tabs (good job to whoever worked on those things). I hope Firefox will continue to add (and refine) useful features, instead of chasing hype bubbles. Especially when features based on these hype cycles - as in the case of AI - don't just not add anything, but actively take something away.

Please no AI.

Making moves

Big no. We don't want this intrusive, cumbersome, gimmicky, expensive and predatory tech here. Stop chasing stupid trends.

Making moves

Don't you **bleep**ing dare put this garbage in the only decent alternative to Google Chrome.

Making moves

not fond of this

Making moves

I feel like this would be a waste of time. It seems a lot of users aren't all that interested in it (including me), I'd rather see you spend that time and energy on something else.

Making moves

The entire reason I switched to Mobile Firefox is because Google wouldn't stop giving me useless AI "help". Do not.

Making moves

Absolutely not. No.

Making moves

Yeah, I'm with everyone else when I say no.

Making moves


That's it, that's the post.

Making moves

No, thank you. Firefox is a great piece of software, the backbone of a lot of people's work.

From an environmental perspective, introducing such a sloppy and wasteful feature that basically churns a gallon of water and burns fuel to come up with good-looking misinformation would be a catastrophic step in the wrong direction.

I am yet to meet a single Firefox user that finds appeal in bull**bleep** generators, i.e., "AI bots".

Making moves

Why would you ruin the one good browser with AI slop, and the only private one with data harvesting?

Making moves

Under absolutely no circumstances should you implement AI, period. not just as an opt-in feature on the sidebar, but your telegraphed intent to add it to search and tabs means you have singlehandedly made both of those features completely useless, as LLMs do not know *anything*, just hallucinate things that tend to be right on occasion. Do not implement this. Do not implement this *ever*. LLMs are lying machines because they are physically incapable of knowing anything, and I refuse to let you feed my data to one in order for it to continue to be wrong about everything

Making moves

under no circumstances do i want you feeding my browsing data and searches to an LLM - i came here to get *away* from compulsory privacy breaches

Making moves

If you do this, you will lose a massive portion of your users that switched to Firefox to get away from the overuse of AI on other browsers. I personally will stop using Firefox if you even hint at integrating more AI into your browser, even if it can be turned off. I do not trust any corporation that is willing to touch this stuff with a 50 foot pole. You'd be making a horrible mistake.

Making moves

No. In fact HELL no.

Making moves

Please do not encourage the use of generative AI.

I know there are other types of AI that isnt about "creating" content, but generally the ones that are most frequently used by the average person are those that have stolen content (images, text and audio) and refused to compensate the creators for their work.

Therefore I please don not enable AI users, even if it is "opt-in" it is still there to be used.

Making moves

No thanks. 

I don’t want AI in Firefox in any form. If you do this, I will have to search another browser.



Making moves

PLEASE. begging you not to do this, everywhere online is filled with AI slop already, please don't give us yet another AI assistant.

Making moves

Do you understand your own user base, or what's left of it?

If I wanted mansplaining-as-a-service sprinkled with bull**bleep** in my browser I'd use Chrome or Edge.

I'd rather not.

Making moves

Plz no.... Ai is just en**bleep**tification software, and firefox is the last bastion of sane browsers 😭

Making moves

Please do not. Privacy and AI do not go together. I love Firefox because it is one of the only browsers not completely inundated with AI.

Not applicable

Is there a way to opt out of AI in the Firefox browser? I came to Firefox to escape the Google monolith and to have more data privacy, and I am not interested in any AI in my browser that I cannot opt out of.

Making moves

I don't want this at all, as a feature or as an option. Please don't integrate AI into our browsers. It's a privacy concern and a red flag in terms of where the company is headed if they think this is a good idea.

Making moves

I'm sure there are countless other high priority things that can get done besides AI. Any of these "AI is already being used!!!" arguments are wrong. Form selection/fill or URL page suggestion or translators have been done for decades. Adding functionality for summarizing a page or naming a group of tabs automatically(????) is not something a majority of people want and is not worth the effort to implement. Giving support to the AI industry encourages the unethical training practices and illegal data harvesting that all large AI relies on. We are all here to support Firefox and the values it represents and don't want it scumming to mainstream big tech VC overhyped slop.


Making moves

Please don’t. I don’t want ai in my Firefox. 

Making moves

AI is environmentally disastrous, unethical, and deeply terrible. Please stop.

Making moves

We need AI implemented like we need a McDonald's at the top of Mt Everest. There is not a single software or web service I use that has implemented AI to any useful end. It becomes an obnoxious feature I try to turn off because it never actually serves a need. The AI tools that actually DO things (edge detection in photo editing software for instance) honestly aren't applicable here.


Don't waste resources on adding junk.

Making moves

Please don't. I already hate the AI in google and I use firefox specifically because you guys are the most honest and well-run browser, and I don't want to see you guys make the same mistake all the other companies are making. Not only that, AI is HORRIBLE for the planet. Please do not insert AI. If you choose to go forward despite everyone telling you 'no', then at least make it to where it can be turned off. But please, just NO. NO AI.

Making moves

Remove this feature. Firefox, of all browsers, should not be getting caught up in the AI hype train. Take the high ground, please and remove this environmental catastrophe and pollution of the information commons.

Making moves

AI services are already bloating every other service on the internet, PLEASE don't add useless and needless features!

Making moves

i don't want AI, stop trying to force AI on us. NO ONE WANTS AI LEAVE US ALONE AND TAKE IT OUT OF THE BROWSER. DO NOT JUST DISABLE IT, FULLY REMOVE IT FROM THE BROWSER AND GET IT OFF MY DEVICES. You want an AI companion? make an extension, don't be yet another company hopping on the supercharged plagiarism train... I have absolutely zero trust in AI and standing by it as a company reduces my trust in you too. Depending on the outcome of this I may need to reconsider paying for Firefox relay if this is how you're wasting it. Directionally, I don't know if I can keep advocating that people use Firefox and Mozilla's various services if you can't stick to your principles.

Making moves

No, I don't want this feature AT ALL. This feels like another institution that had carved out their niche, found that they lose supporters to competitors and, instead of improving on what made them distinct from their competition, try to incorporate as many features of those competitors as possible in hope of winning those lost back, in turn straying from their defining values, alienating more loyal supporters and failing to get back those they lost because, when in doubt, the original version of the feature that caused the departure is "better" most of the time or the difference at least not worth the cost of switching back.

Making moves

Absolutely not. This would make me switch to a different browser, honestly.

Making moves

Please DO NOT implement AI with Firefox. All AI does is steal art, misinform people, and cause problems. I don't want to look at jumbled words a computer came up with, I want actual results from real humans.


I made a Mozilla account just to respond to this post but I am a long time Firefox user. I stopped using Google completely because of their insistence on using AI. I will absolutely drop Firefox for the same reason.

Making moves

I don't think the environmental damage would be defensible even if it did something experience-enhancing and useful, which it manifestly does not.

Making moves

I started using Firefox to avoid the invasive rubbish other browsers had been implementing, please don't shove thieving generative ai slop into the only good browser we have left! if you claim to care about the planet at all then the sheer amount of resources that get wasted on this is enough of a reason to stop, let alone the ethical and moral minefield that is stealing other people's work to power the ai. nobody asked for this!!!

Making moves

Omg no please no

Making moves

I have switched browsers to firefox exactly because I do not want to be anywhere near any AI usage and because of privacy concerns. If firefox implements this feature, optional or not, I will drop this browser like a hot potato. AI services have become a hallmark of privacy violations and data being used without one's consent. You say this will not violate your user's privacy, but where are you getting the data from that the AI will be using? AI scrapes data from the internet without consent being even a question. Other users have already pointed this out, but there are tons of ethical and environmental concerns. If you want your userbase to rapidly drop in numbers, go ahead and get involved with AI. I think this is honestly the stupidest thing you could do, given that so many users have come to you exactly because other browsers use AI and do not care about privacy. I saw other people recommend Firefox to me over and over in this manner and that's the reason I started using it.

You should drop any attempts at integrating AI into the browser or any of your products and seriously reconsider the ethical and environmental issues caused by this, as well as what your userbase wants. Because this is the exact opposite of it.

Until this issue is resolved I'll stop updating this browser, and if you continue to go down this alley, I will stop using it entirely. Please reconsider this. There are many people who really don't want to stop using Firefox.

Making moves

there's no ethical way to follow the llms fad lads this is a serious black mark on firefox's otherwise excellent record

Making moves

I am glad you are trying this as an opt in experiment. I choose not to use ai because of the enormous power usage needed for generative AI, the way it is often misused and trained on content that it should not be, and how frequently it generates misinformation. I do not plan to turn on this feature. I hope the users of Firefox feel the same way and you see results that guide you not to continue adding AI features to the web browser.