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Reducing the message list header panel in Thunderbird

Making moves

With Thunderbird 115.3.2 , I'm using the classic view layout, and I've noticed that the message list header part of the window cannot be reduced to show less than 8 messages. So that's less window height for the message. It used to be 4 messages up to last week, before the upgrade.




It used to be 4.




Making moves

Completely agree, we should also reduce the top banner - messages and address - because there is only 2/3 of the screen left to display the messages!!!!!

Making moves

Hi     If you've got two thirds of the screen left to view your emails you're lucky!  I've got barely a third left, so emails especially with images are just hopeless. This has been raise by a number of people, but yesterday there was yet another update (5th since SuperNova?)  but still not fixed - sorry, reverted to how it was. 

Making moves

There is a bug report on this topic and I've no idea why the developers are dragging their heels on this problem. I know the fix would take a couple of minutes to sort out... but if you want a fix then you need to follow the instructions at this link:

Yes, it means using 'userChrome.css', but it's not like anyone has to know how to code.

The truth is this, if you have the following skillset then it's very simple.

Required skillset:

  1. Ability to follow instructions
  2. Know how to create a new folder with a specifiied name
  3. Know how to copy and paste provided text
  4. Know how to save a file with a specified name

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Please see the status update at  A fix is in beta, and that topic will be updated when the change has been delivered. You can click the kudos/vote there if this is something that interests you.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird