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More options for page translations

Making moves

I find the built-in Translations feature very useful, as I often visit websites with varying languages. However I feel it's missing many options that would help users control their experience.

  1. Currently the translation feature is not offered for pages whose language(s) is one of the selected for displaying webpage content. This may appear to be logical on the surface, but it's actually far from ideal. For example you may be able to understand a foreign language to a certain extent but not have full proficiency, meaning that sometimes I'm ok reading the content while other times you would prefer a full page translation. Also, it might be the case that you would be interested to translate a page from your native language to another one.
  2. This also makes the pop-up menu to feel quite intrusive when you choose not to include a foreign language you partially understand to the list of selected languages for displaying content in order to have the translation option.
  3. It also leads to yet another problem, namely you cannot access any option of the feature unless you visit a website with content in a foreign language (technically you can access some options via settings, but you are only given the option to remove languages/websites not add).

Therefore, I suggest that a few options are added to a dedicated section in the browser settings:

  1. The ability to show the icon always, never, or according to the current behavior (only on pages not included in the preferred languages).
  2. The ability (when the translation option is offered) for the pop-up menu to behave the same way, always appear, never appear, or appear for non-preferred languages.
  3. A cleaner way to show which languages are preferred for displaying webpage content in the settings.
  4. A dedicated section for "Translations Settings" instead of the currently implemented pop-up.

Making moves

I can read 4 languages including my native language. I prefer to read a page in it's native language.

What annoys the heck out of me, is when a language I can read is automatically translated to another language / my native language. Those translations are often times abysmal. Because most of the web pages are in English, I tried setting my "preferred language for displaying pages" to English. The translation button disappears, but then my bank starts translating my native language to English and messes up the decimal point (, to .), which is very tricky when you make a bank transfer!!!

Please add an easy option to revert to the native language of a web page.

Making moves


I want to emphasize the suggestion to show the icon for translate always in the address slot. I do not even require an option to configure appearance, just change default behaviour to match the reader and favourite icon.

Changing default behaviour is likely less work than implementing a configuration option. I do not see a space problem if keeping it always on. There might even be around a way to change the behaviour as suggested using a certain about: page, but I dont know how to search for such an option. If anybody knows, please share.

Obviously, default behaviour should be, not to translate at all. Alternatively, at least not translating pages in my native language to a target language.

My main reason to have translate function at hand in my native language is a lack of vocabulary in areas that are not my expertise. I might want to communicate to someone in english and I am generally able to do so, but I dont know how to express a specific thing. As of know I keep open a separate tab with a translation tool, typing in the term while talking. This turns my focus away from the actual conversation and slows down the process unnessarily. It would be great to get offered a hint for most words required for the talk with one click on translate.

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Bildschirmfoto 2025-02-28 um 07.07.02.png



About automatically popup an offer to translate on sites
An subject

Another information to be keep open in a separate tab about:translations

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