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New vs Classic Print Preview - A Better Way

Making moves

It used to be important to programmers to make things easier to find, faster to access, fewer clicks, less scrolling... but the new print preview UI seems like completely the opposite.  It is ubiquitously unliked because everything seems to require additional effort and unnecessary moves. Understand, it's not because it doesn't work but because the coding is so inelegant - the layout makes you do MORE work to achieve the same end when compared to the classic preview UI.  This could be remedied and everyone made happy again with the following modifications (IMHO):

- don't force full page view, allow page width, etc

- don't float the preview over the web page with web page visible around the edges, it makes the appearance noisy and untidy, dedicate the entire page to the preview & options

- but most important... make better use of the available space to PUT ALL PRINT OPTIONS IN VIEW AT ONCE.  It is wildly aggravating to have to click on something to reveal more options that could easily have been visible without a click. And for goodness sake, do away with the endless scrolling just to get through the available options - all the options should be instantly visible on the same page - no scrolling, no clicking, no hunting them down.  There's more than enough room to do it.  Try two columns, or three.  Or even better, dedicated the left half of the screen to the preview image in whatever view state the user selects and dedicate the right half of the screen to ALL the options with ZERO scrolling and ZERO expanding.  This way the print preview UI would be a more elegant design.  The entire operation would be reduced to the absolute minimum amount of user input - no wasted effort, no wasted time, no hunting for things that aren't readily apparent, no aggravation, no swarm of users looking for a way to bring back the classic interface.

Give that a try.... please!


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