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Independent search box toolbar no longer lets you hit enter to go to your default search provider

Making moves

I just noticed in firefox 128.0 that I can no longer click in the search box and hit enter to go to my default search provider's homepage.  That was the way I got to that page for years and now all of a sudden it doesnt work.  While sure I can just search using that search provider in that box, that box also keeps a record of my searches while going to the search provider homepage doesnt. 

217 REPLIES 217

Making moves

Posting a comment to express how I'd like an option to have this function restored.

Making moves

I'm really disappointed that they just simply removed a function that a lot of people use every day.

This shouldn’t be a bug; it’s a feature for me, a 20-year Firefox user

Making moves

Please bring it back.

Making moves

Here's the demonstration:

Firefox 127 you could even click the search engine icons to go to their homepages. Such a useful feature ruined.

The devs have implemented the shift+enter / shift+click "solution" though. Will arrive in Firefox 131.

Yes, they don't know the value of these features at all.

This feature means you don't need to create bookmarks for websites like Google or Amazon, saving additional UI space. (Creating a bookmark for is such a boomer move.)


The last time they messed up Firefox was when they changed the shortcut key for 'Copy Link Address' from 'A' to 'L'. Now I need a third party extension to fix this: 

Well they have been screwing it over since a long time now. There had been many instances that I just had to rollback.

Especially how you can't manage the grossly verbose options in context menus which for some reason they have just kept on adding on the pile. Had to customize it in userChrome...

Fortunately, there betters have made such support a long while back for users who might opt to not go with later incompetents changing the real reasons, the UI is the way it is.

Making moves

I'm still waiting for them to bring it back....

Making moves

Click + Shift? Why add shift if you can make it done with just a click!!!

There is a major change to be released much more down the line which according to them is incompatible with these having a click.

Yes, assuringly more disappointment is incoming.

Also this shift solution was after all rejected here, but they didn't listen same when they didn't ask the community before removing the feature.

Only way I can see to restore it is to upgrade back to Firefox 127, the last one where it worked.  I've gathered everything I think I need, but so far I haven't had the time.  Suspending "upgrades" also sounds like a good option, unless or until they force it down our throats like they did with that terrible Thunderbird Supernova.

That's what I did, upgraded to 127.  It's annoying that several times a day they push for the "update" just for me to hit dismiss.  But I'm sticking to 127 for the foreseeable future.  A real shame that they screwed this up and are not willing to make it right.

3 months...

Making moves

Its very frustrating that the firefox search bar no longer functions correctly.  The developer who decided this seems to have done it based on very little reasoning, and he should fix his mistake.  The attitude that was apparent in the bug reporting clearly shows disdain for users who used the search bar in this way.  It is VERY clear that this mistake needs to be reverted.

It has been reverted, just not exactly. They have introduced the function with shift + enter and shift + click. Though we were against this, as usual they ignored our opinions again. The change will come in next version.

Nothing has been reverted, he added in a change that fixes nothing.  I want to be able to use the search bar without using my keyboard sometimes.  I have a list of search's that might not be visible in my bookmark bar when its a smaller size, so i would ALWAYS use the search bar and middle click to open those websites.  The fact that this no longer works is stupid, because its clear that the intended functionality of middle click is to open a new tab, when the search is empty and i middle click, there should be a new tab with nothing searched.  It used to make sense, now it doesn't.  All changes to the search bar in this last major version should be reverted as they are garbage code, that does nothing other than introduces bugs to something that was working.  The entire change is a bug, and I would also say that whatever future task he would be doing with search/address bar most likely should be rethought and a discussion be had to make sure its what users want.

The reversion was sarcasm on my part as I had rejected his proposal in the first place but he still did it without consent or affirmation from the community. Going as far as quoting this discussion and throwing his solution as a result. That's the kind of person we are dealing with, a self entitled developer going on a power trip.

Making moves

It's nice we have somekind of solution to click search engine logo to open new tab (nice because it's better than nothing), but is there any update on the "pressing enter to go search engine homepage"?  Can we expect somekind of treatment on this?

The engineering team lead who did this actually is not following this discussion nor has any intention at all of doing such because he did the aforementioned change even after receiving complete rejection here.

Making moves

Mozilla is gradually taking away the features that make Firefox unique. I don't know what they're thinking.

If Firefox ends up becoming mediocre, then why wouldn't people just use Chromium-based browsers with less compatibility issues?

Making moves

Since it looks like this team of developers is not going to fix what they screwed up💩, I'm sticking with an older version.  So does anyone know a way to  stop the "Update Available" notifications?

There are many solutions specific to your configuration. Checkout the link below:

Thanks, I'll see what works.


Familiar face

Well, if one decides to revert back to 127, one will need to know a few things. I did it today but it ended up going back to 131 because I forgot one thing to do. So...

Download FF 127 and put in your download folder.

Before installing, make a copy of your Profile so you can keep the important settings you have right now. If you don't know where the profile is, do a google. It is always good to know the location.

Turn off you internet access and install 127. If you don't and you open FF, it will start to automatically download 131.

When FF opens (no internet connection), it will want to create a new profile. Go ahead and do that. Then go into settings, general, scroll down to Updates and turn off (uncheck) updates.

Now you can open FF and it will not download 131. But do the recommend shut off of the annoying popups say there is a new version of FF. See the few posts above.

Now you can close FF, note what time it is, open the profiles page and put in your settings, extensions, Key4 file, and other things that are needed. Do not copy and paste the entire profile, it will not work.

Like I said, I forgot about the auto update and when I restarted FF, it went to 131. I had to do this all over again.

Good Luck!



In addition, take a look at about, firefox.exe --allow-downgrade

Making moves

Every day I have once or twice I'm forced to realize how annoying it is that this convenient shortcut of "empty search box" does not exist any more.  🤢

Making moves

Unfortunately, due to CVE-2024-9680, downgrading to version 127 is no longer an option.
Now you have to choose either to downgrade to the even older ESR 115 or upgrade to the latest version.



nvm. esr 115 doesn't support Windows 10/11, so now you're forced to upgrade to the latest version.💀

Familiar face

I just downgraded last week. What has changed? All you have to do is find FF127, download it, turn off your internet, install it, add a .json file, turn off auto upgrade, turn on your internet and you are done. No one can "dictate" what you do with your property. Only the government can dictate how a government agency can use a product.  And anyone can say "an attacker..." as a means of justification for you to stop using something. So, downgrade to your hearts content if you so desire to do so.

They provided you with a reason you can't downgrade, if you are concerned with security issues. If you're willing to risk that then go for it.

Seriously speaking they have already agreed that they don't care about security once they agree to downgrade! That's the very first thing they have to agree.

That's exactly why I didn't downgrade. I can compromise on everything but security.

Though, there could be other distributions of Firefox ESR which would explicitly choose to retain this function or made to have it has an option.

I tried it on developer version 134.0b4, it didn't work( or maybe I did something wrong...


I've tested and apparently it works

This is useless unless the person who posted the video posts the file so we can test it.

Сhecked again, downloaded a new portable version. Still doesn't work for me.

That's right, according also i've noticed.
Try if you wish (e.g.) 126.0 Beta 1 and test then update Firefox and test

But “hacks” are not what users want.

What specifically is this? What are Portableapps? There really is not explanation on Source Forge. Would appreciate any input. Thanks