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Fix PDF Issue in viewing in Mozilla

Making moves

Dear Support Team,

In the latest version of Mozilla, the downloaded PDF were not able to view properly, all the PDF's are showing the Black screen instead of the script and color to show. Kindly resolve this issue earlier for betterment of Mozilla community. The same PDF's can be opened in the Adobe PDF viewer.


Making moves

I just started having the same problem. I can see text that is not black on the otherwise totally black screen. I can open the same links to PDF docs in other browsers so it's something about FireFox :(...

Making moves

I am also having the same issue. The PDF is fine if I open it in Adobe Acrobat but not in Firefox. I have opened one in Microsoft Edge and it appeared correctly

Hey there:  I just updated my firefox and it works now.

Sweet - me too ;-).  Weird because I thought I had the latest version (from Nov or Dec) installed and running, but I'll take it!  Thanks for the reminder/hint.

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