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Beta Not Able to Use in our Company on 4 PC

Making moves

I wanted to express my appreciation for the efforts Mozilla is making towards the development of Thunderbird. However, not only me but lot of Thunderbird Beta users  have encountered a small yet significant issue that we believe may be hindering the progress of Thunderbird's development.

The problem lies with the compatibility of addons. It seems that many addons are not available for the Thunderbird Beta Version. Consequently, users are forced to resort to the stable version instead of utilizing the beta version, which could potentially accelerate the development process.

I wish to bring this matter to the attention of the Mozilla team, as I believe they may not be fully aware of the impact this issue is having on the Thunderbird community. Therefore, I urge the Mozilla team to ensure that all addons are made compatible with the latest beta version henceforth, enabling users to fully utilize and contribute to the development of Thunderbird.

Also Write the Writer of Addon to make their Addons has to be compatible with the latest beta version.

Thank you for considering my request.





Les modules complémentaires peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement, voire ne pas fonctionner du tout. Guide des modules complémentaires

Modules complémentaires

Making moves

"I agree that the Addon will not work. However, as you are aware, if we contribute in any way to developing the Beta Version, the community will receive a stable version. The more people help with the beta, the better the community outcome. That's why I request that all Addons should be compatible with the beta."