User Activity
Why not ? 10 million users, Beautiful design, engaging, adding RSS reader feature in it will be without any doubt, absolute success. And make Pocket RSS reader as new tab in Firefox. Seriously..! Why not?
Yes, Grouping the tab groups, will reduce the multiple groups and easy to manage same topic's root topics. It will be first in browser world too, it will be fox move.
Bionic font on reader view, if you can't use the name, name it HIGHLIGHTING INITIAL LETTERS like in Librera pdf/epub reader in android.
When we open offline files like pdf/webm in browser, we want it to sync with mobile browser too so gives us a option to cloud upload the offline file so we can download it on mobile browser including pdf highlights and notes. it will be great. Pleas...
Offline pdf reader option just like Firefox' reader view's read aloud option
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