> I have a situation that isn't quite enterprise but one where we try and ship more sensible defaults. Part of that is setting DuckDuckGo over Google so users have access to search bangs. We also collapse the tabs toolbar as well as the navigator too...
By default, your history, including the search terms entered on the address & search bars are not sent to Mozilla. They go only to the search engine partner(s) you are using, and we record them on your machine in your Firefox profile. If you use Fire...
The search suggestions in the search bar are provided by the search engine itself, they are not managed by Firefox nor Mozilla. The change being discussed here does not alter your capability to see search suggestions in the search bar.
As far as I kn...
Please see here for the latest update: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/independent-search-box-toolbar-no-longer-lets-you-hit-enter-to/m-p/65686/highlight/true#M23249
Unfortunately we can't add preferences for everything. Each preference adds additional complexity and maintenance.
As has been mentioned elsewhere, there are other alternatives (bookmarks, new tab) that give quick and easy access.