Love this idea, and I think the add-on developer community can come up with solutions, taking the burden off core Firefox developers. But to do that, we need a WebExtension API for accessing tags:
By happy accident I found a way to go straight to "Open tabs" -- the most useful part of Firefox View if you're a multi window user -- which is by entering about:firefoxview#opentabs in the address bar.What I would love to see is the ability to enter...
I am the author of a window manager add-on Winger - it lets you name windows and move tabs between windows, among many other features. For those who are asking for these things, Winger can be exactly what you need.That said, I am absolutely voting fo...
@AnonymousGrouping tabs by this way or that way is not vertical tabs related; it should be something you'd want to be able to do in horizontal tabs mode too.There are a variety of ways you could group tabs, not just by domain, e.g. by tab age, by top...