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Couldn't find 'Feedback', have MAJOR problems navigating MozillaOrg...Found a Trojan (according to Win11) when trying to backup my; Win 11 Intel Celeron Tablet (Tibuta Masterpad).Copy/pasted the location from Defender.Shift/Deleted EVERYTHING in the ...
I started a previous conversation (Link Highlited) and wish to be more clear.The Book Marks,when set as a side-bar, no longer have a visual indicator which one is selected.Previously, when I click on a BM, there's a grey bar around the BM. When I mov...
I have Bookmarks as a side-bar. I have about 30 bookmarks I go to every day. I NEED the links to be colored (ANY color) to be sure of which ones I've already seen. I NEED that function back. I have changed nothing, not running in safe-mode, etc. Shut...
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