User Activity
Checking my update histories, my last Thunderbird update prior to yesterday was October 8.Looking at UptoDown version histories, that would be for 115.3.1I noticed no changes at that time- hence, I cannot blame 115.3.1This week on October 18 I got a ...
Hello, just fyi, I have been having problems with Thunderbird the last 2 days, ie since October 19.I went to install an older version of Thunderbird from Uptodown (it didn't work) but noticed last update weas October 13 and 115.3 was first put out Au...
I have used Thunderbird for years, maybe more than a decade. Always happy!This latest update is causing me a lot of grief. Here is one problem: I get the following Microsoft message for each of my Outlook or Hotmail accounts that I have inside Thunde...