Several months after I loudly griped about this in two different forums, I'm still getting nagged several times a day. At minimum, every time I sleep the laptop and then turn it back on. I don't see a notice here that the issue was resolved, so I sha...
I keep getting these update nags. Jonathan, I don't want them every 24 hours! And the default behavior of background updates happens to be the new default. That doesn't mean it has to be what all of us want.This should be simple: Let us turn it off f...
Some of that sounds reasonable, especially the categorization of differences between features that are niceties and ones that are dire emergencies. There's a difference, and many of us don't want to be swept up onto the bandwagon without being asked.... posted the same. Seems like it's a trend. See recommendation.
Right, here's exactly what I'm talking about:Going into about:config is not -- I repeat, NOT EVER -- a proper solution to a regular user's concerns, and it should never, ever be considered one. It is a band-aid. It is a shoddy, cheap, hacky, Bill Gat...