Familiar face
since ‎03-13-2023

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  • 44 Posts
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"Sites you save or visit" continues to show my browsing history in the new page, right next to the pinned items set by me.This should be separated, make the showing of visited sites, at the very least, optional.It doesn't make any sense that, every t...
Like the title says, or at the very least, create another setting to force this. Currently the pinned and random items show up, i'd like to only see the pinned ones, after all, there is already a setting to show history, so why do these show up along...
Hi, can someone explain this behaviour? I thought that by unchecking "everything", the only tiles that would remain, would be the pinned ones, but i still have more icons or tiles in there, a sort of history, or recently opened sites. I don't underst...
So the basic idea is to add tiles to mobile, just like you can have in desktop, be able to use them as bookmarks, and sync between devices, also be able to save and restore tiles to firefox account, the link, name and custom link for thumbnail.
That's it, allow local images, instead of restricting to http link.