(1) Good point; I added a note to that bug report, regarding screenshot vs. "actual text" (since users like yourself might expect the latter if given an opportunity to capture a screenshot as a PDF).(2) Right, our save-full-page is definitely rasteri...
Opera's Right-click | Save-to-PDF seems to essentially be: "take a screenshot of the whole scrollport, and save that as an extremely-tall single-page PDF". (I'm using "screenshot" a bit loosely, since it does include selectable text / links / etc.)F...
Thanks for the suggestion. This is a well-known category of problem, actually -- you can search the web for "layout shift" and "scroll anchoring" to read more about the issue and mitigations.The concrete suggestions that you made are already things t...
Firefox already does support those units.Your caniuse search there is catching several dvh-related features, and the one that happens to be shown at the top of the page is specifically about whether those units are supported **within the CSS Houdini ...
Gotcha. So your real request here is to get Firefox working nicely on Windows systems with MacType, correct?(I suspect MacType working/not-working properly is the real thing that's responsible for the differences that you're seeing.)