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Status: New idea

Sauvegarder des sessions de recherches avec "nom _ sujet" dans les Marque-pages

Quand je fait des recherches sur certains sujets j'arrive ouvrir une vingtaine des pages au même temps. Parfois je doit quitter la session pour passer à autre chose mais j'aimerais reprendre mon travail la ou j'ai quitté. Pour faire cela, j'ouvre un nouveau document LibreOffice et je copie les liens, éventuellement accompagné d'une petite description - ça prend du temps et n'est pas toujours claire ce que j'ai sauvegardé. Créer un nouveau Dossier et enregistrer les onglets un par un dans les Marque-pages n'est pas une solution facile dans cet cas.

L'IDÉE : Dans les Marque-pages de pouvoir SAUVEGARDER LA SESSION et la nommer du façon qu'on peut ré-ouvrir toutes les onglets dans une nouvelle fenêtre et reprendre l'activité. Enfin, sauf les onglets qui nécessite pas d’authentification + un message d’avertissement.

When I do research on certain subjects I manage to open about twenty pages at the same time. Sometimes I have to leave the session to move on but I would like to resume my work where I left. To do this, I open a new LibreOffice document and copy the links, possibly with a small description - it takes time and it's not always clear what I saved. Creating a new Folder and saving tabs one by one to Bookmarks is not an easy solution in this case.

THE IDEA: In the Bookmarks to be able to SAVE THE SESSION and name it so that we can re-open all the tabs in a new window and resume the activity. Finally, except the tabs which require no authentication + a warning message.

Status changed to: New idea
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Similar idea here: Save current session 

New member

Don't store only one site as a bookmark, store whole browser-session (all links) as a bookmark.

Why: normally, in research you find multiple interesting things you maybe want to watch all at once at another time, after closing your browser-window. Meanwhile you come back, and use the same browser to lookup a little thing, close the browser-window again, but then your whole research is gone. Research is work, tho still is it timeconsumption, to move through every tab, create a new folder and store every single tab as a bookmark and name the session. If it only was possible to restore everything you searched for, in one click..

Additionally research can be overwehlming sometimes, resulting in that you throw it away, and don't look it up for month - but after month you suddenly can make use of all those informations - so you want to have direct access to it. But back-then you couldn't make the bookmarks, because you hadn't any grasp, on how to use all that information, and so you threw it away. Now you realize that you have the whole session stored somewhere, you click on it, and the browser window with all the different tabs, and research opens - and that's it. There's no complicated naming of bookmarks, and clicking around, losing time to organize it in folders. You give the session one name, and then when you needed, you just click it.

And that's what I believe is crucial to a better experience, of Mozilla Firefox.

That's a new kind of userexperience, I believe saves a lot of time and nerves.

That's all tabs in one bookmark.

PS: you could instead of adding it as a native browser function, implement it as an addon, however I believe that nativly supported, there are less privacy flaws.


Whether you store all the windows currently open together ( count it as a session ) or only count one open browserwindow as a whole session, that's a question of detail. A solution to that would be a simple toggle-option: 'store current window' <-> 'store all windows'

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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)