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New member
Status: New idea

Please, please allow us to place the tabs at the bottom

New member

Oh my god, they've done it again!  I started Firefox up after an update last night, and its reverted to put tabs at top, and changed the sidebar to show icons when collapsed.

It's awful.  I'll have to go looking for solutions to make it look sensible again.  I litterally feel lost in this interface.  Took me a while to realise when I thought I was clicking on a tab, I was actually clicking a bookmark.  My tabs have lost their outline, so they look the same as my bookmarks.

New member

Oh my god, they've messed up the interface again.  Great.

After updating last night, I started firefox today and didn't initially notice that my tabs had moved back to the top.  They have lost their outline.  I was clicking on bookmarks thinking I was changing tabs, not realising that I was actually navigating in my current tab with the bookmarks I was clicking on.

The sidebar, which I never really use and had hidden with a toggle, has become collapsible, so I've got a toolbar strip running down the left-hand side now too.

It's hideous.  I will never get used to tabs on top.  I'll have to go looking for another hack to make the interface look sensible again.  Fed up with this.

Found I can reconfigure the sidebar to have hidden, with a toggle button to show it.

Why is there still no option to reconfigure tabs to put them where it's sensible!!!

New member

Why are my comments not showing up?  Why can't i give posts kudos?  Is this thread locked down?

Making moves


This is a sort of solution I found this code worked for me to get tabs back to the bottom.

There is some issues with this code though where it removes the NEW TAB button Sort of solution below) and there is sort of a  weird overlay that sort of blocks the Minimize, maximize and close  buttons they still work but due to the over lay they have maybe 1/4 hidden but they are usable. I posted the code here that I got  from a video that's like3 years old but worked.

As for the new tab solution what I did was this. If you right click  on browser head area and select customize there you can see the NEW TAB button is in fact still there just somehow hidden when in normal view. So what I did as drag this button to the line above (in my case) and out it to the right side of my address bar and it works fine from there.

We do need a permanent solution though of just giving us back the option to move tabs to bottom in the settings area of FF. Not  sure why they are making users go through this hassle after so many updates rather then just putting back what was once an option!!!

New member

 As I signed in today I received and email from the managemnent of this Forum.

Happy Anniversary!

Ce-le-bra-tion! Today is your community bday! Itโ€™s been a year since you first joined our community."

So its been a year since I put my thoughts forward on this topic as I wanted the search on the menu bar and not in the Tabs Bar. which for my currrent installation is still messed up. WHEN are you"people" going to fix this? I see many comments of fixes using CSS but it gets wiped with every update you put out. I think you need to put up an electric fence for you're programmers to piss on as opposed to the user base. Would a rep from Mozzilla respond to this issue. I reference your manifesto 

  • Principle 8

    Transparent community-based processes promote participation, accountability and trust.



New member


well they did move the tabs from below to top with the same limited devs. A completely unnecessary change to begin with..

Making moves

I accidentally hit the update button and see you broke my tabs again. Very cool.

Thankfully there are kind souls out there who know css to help plebs like me.

@Jon  does anyone care about this issue or are we just yelling into the void here?

New member

I'd like to add my vote for a simple option to move the tabs to below the address bar.  I honestly don't understand why this hasn't been implemented after several years worth of requests.
Bert Coules