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Making moves
Status: In development

In Firefox Android, I often have multiple tabs open. When I scroll up and down to navigate through the tabs, I sometimes accidentally close a tab. Probably because I was swiping diagonally up. I have a few seconds to click the undo button that pops up.

I've never intentionally used this gesture since I click the x button to close a tab.

Please add an option to disable the side swipe gesture.

New member

Another user here that frequently struggles with this. Been like this for 2-3 months. Didn't have a problem before. It's bad enough that it makes me consider switching away from Firefox.

New member

I just want it to be less trigger-happy.. I like being able to swipe tabs closed, but lately it's constantly happening accidentally and then I'm rushing to hit the undo button 😵

New member

This is at the point of unusable. I don't understand why it's being raised as a feature request when it's so obviously a bug

New member

"This is at the point of unusable. I don't understand why it's being raised as a feature request when it's so obviously a bug"

No kidding. I seriously thought they would have fixed their mistake by now. And if it wasn't a mistake I would like to see the "feature request" thread where everyone was asking for hypersensitive tabs.

"Wuld be gr8 if u wuld make teh tabs cloze wen I bearly tuch them"

New member

Please solve it!!

Ps.i starting hate updates bringing dangerous things like this. Every new feature should have option to switch it OFF.

New member

Pls provide an option to disable this.. such a frustrating sensitivity

New member

I agree this is a problem but I think it's behaviour change from Android. That explains also the offset between people when they experience it. I hope for the android update on my phone im a month. I think it's related to how android 13 deals with swipes. The behaviour is the same in Chrome and even in the notifications.

For me a huge issue is the recently closed tabs is not sorted after order of closing the tab but order of creation of the tab.

New member

I'm having the same issue (and I'm on Android 12, so if it's an Android issue, it's not just 13).

I'd love it if it would be possible to add a setting to disable closing tabs by swiping (as that's not how I ever want to close them anyway). But any solution that fixes this issue would be nice.

Making moves



I'm using Android 11 due to A12 and greater breaking hardware on my Fairphone 3. This rules out it being A13 specific, but doesn't rule out a behaviour change from Android somewhere else.

I have saved most of my tabs into a bookmark folder now as it's too easy to delete in error. I'm so used to one handed swiping, but that isn't possible for me as the thumb arc just deletes everything. Rancid!!!

Looks like Mozilla are as bad as Google in that they know what you want better than you do! You are an enemy of the people if you disagree  🤣


New member

So android screens are becoming more sensitive and I keep accidentally closing a tab when I am scrolling through a bunch that are open please put in settings to make it harder to close a tab.

New member

I have the same problem. Wouldn't think it would be that hard to do without a whole bunch of us having to complain first. The reason I like using the non standard stuff that comes with every phone or computer is that it usually has less preprogrammed things in it or options to disable it. I guess not in this case.

New member

Plus one for option to disable or drastically reduced sensitivity.

Strollin' around

It would be so nice if someone from Mozilla would reply, and tell something about if they are planning to prioritize this, and if so what is their ETA.

This is the single biggest issue with Firefox on android, and I am amazed how it goes unaddressed for this long.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@dlenkes (and others who have shared feedback here) let me surface this to the team and see if there are any plans.

Strollin' around

Thanks @Jon, much appreciated!