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Making moves
Status: New idea

Since i experienced that earlier tabs cant be restored because my firefox profile is damaged, i cant start all over and restore all my addons to my new account,  because in the firefox BACKUP my damaged account will be restored when synched


Therefor please add a tool to restore ADDONS/PLUGINS separate from synched to be used in other profiles

For example:


Damaged profile -> Backup the addons/plugins and delete this profile to make a new one

NEW profile  <-Restore Backupped addons from damaged profile to new account


Or make it possible to choose  Create New Profile AND restore addons from other profile when making a fresh start.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Lets hope this idea will be reiased soon thnx for support

Making moves

Will we get notified if an idea pf yours will be added in a future update?