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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@cosmus50 right now we're focused on tab groups for desktop, but that will definitely be something we look at it for future iterations.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nich no set timeline yet, but we'll communicate that as it's more solidified

Making moves

John, I understand, thank you.

But there are 2 more questions
Is there a possibility to implement tab groups for the mobile version as well?
And is there any discussion about Workspaces?

New member

Tab groups would be a great addition. I would be able to move completely away from Chrome.

Strollin' around

@117649 wrote:

Sadly this isn't real tab groups, it's similar to all the other currently available addons. It allows you to switch the entire window between a set of different tabs. Doesn't interact with the tab bar at all. I don't understand people who offer barely any description and no screenshots in their projects... I had to spend almost an hour trying to get it to work only to find out the name is misleading. -.-"

The entire userChromeJS hackaround is very cool, but there's almost no content available for it. I've been looking for something like that a few years ago when I tried to find a way to run the old "View image (filename)" extension, but didn't find it. It's very obscure. The author abandoned it a year ago and it doens't work on current release. There's a copy maintained by the author of TabMixPlus that still works. Sadly the scripts don't seem to work there and the extensions that are available (and I was interested in) have almost all of their functionality available either in the browser or one of the extensions. There's probably a handful of people that just want that 1 simple feature they still offer and they will soon die as well. I'm sad that it's not well maintained. Probably the only real reason to bother would be the DownThemAll extension or maybe the keyboard shortcut one. Or scripts if you manage to make them work. There's a few cool ones.

It's sad to watch how far the community is willing to go to get one of the removed Firefox features back. Clearly some people care, I know I do too. I understand some of the features got removed to declutter the UI of rarely used features etc, but... why not give people the option? They could've just left an obscure about:config setting... sigh.

New member

Exactly, my complain.

Making moves

@TeraxThat is the REAL ORIGINAL TRULY TAB GROUP from 15+ years ago!

This comment system

It hold my comment for so long like it never been posted or just auto reject it.


New member

This actually kept me away from Firefox for a long time, we need this feature. It should be simple to implement.


New member

All the available extensions fall short of what I need, it would be get exactly chromium style tab grouping. I may have to move away from Firefox again because of this, it effects productivity.

Making moves

@Terax Is you should stop misleading.

The tab group in firefox both the original Panorama and the addon are what come first.

And they defined term tab group. 

They are the real thing.

Neither you nor the ads corp get the right to change the word's meaning.

New member

Please add Tab Groups into Firefox

I would love to be able to group together open tabs on my Work PC where I always have what feels like 100 tabs open at the same time and I would like to group them together for better organisation. So mark them with Shift, name them and let them appear as one single tab instead.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Really looking forward to this if it brings us to parity with Chrome's tab groups!

New member

Edge does a fantastic job with tab groups.  Steal their design.

New member


Add the possibility to group tabs

1. It should be possible to group tabs using drag and drop;
2. It should be possible to give the name to the group;
3. Given name should be seen;


4. It should be possible to collapse and expand any group;


5. It should be possible to set the color for each tab;


6. Collapsed groups should be paused so they will not eat machine resources.