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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

I just created a Mozilla Connect account in order to upvote this feature request and chime in with my support for the feature.

I am a longtime Firefox user, but at work I am required to use Google Chrome. The only feature Chrome has that I miss when I use Firefox is tab groups. I find them extremely useful when I use Chrome, and wish that Firefox had native support for tab groups as well. I've looked at the various extensions that provide tab grouping functionality, and none of them seem to offer what I am looking for. The closest one is Simple Tab Groups, but the UX is a bit clunky, and it requires extreme permissions (which as I understand it is unavoidable in a fully-featured tab grouping extension today because of Firefox's current architecture and lack of native support for tab grouping). So currently I use separate windows as a workaround, and the extension Tab Session Manager, but neither is a replacement for the ease with which tab groups in Chrome let me move tabs into, out of, and between groups, and expand and collapse groups as I switch tasks. I also like that tab groups can be named (and renamed) easily, and are coded by (editable) colors, both of which features help me to stay organized and find the group I'm looking for quickly.


New member

Looks like mozilla disregards their intensive users who are also their best advocates ... I already abandoned using firefox in favour of vivaldi, which offers me the tab grouping feature I want. And even also on android, because vivaldi is faster than FF. I gonna maybe reconsider FF when they'll (re)introduce a native tab grouping feature.

New member

I can't believe you actively took out the feature out of Firefox! Like, it's such a NO-BRAINER to implement such a useful productivity UX into the browser. I just don't get it!

Strollin' around

I'm hoping this feature gets integrated with Firefox View too. It could be useful to be able to archive tab groups to View, see older tab groups etc.

New member

Holy moly, this is the most upvoted request for Firefox. This is probably the #1 thing that makes it difficult to switch from a chrome-fork.

New member

Even with a tab group extension, the inability to hide tabs into groups that I tuck away is a real hindrance to my productivity in Firefox. I've started using Microsoft Edge at work just so I can avoid having to look at all the tabs at once. Please, please make this a development priority.

New member

this needs to be added back as core functionality asap

New member

Echoing the general sentiment: Tab groups which allow for tabs to be collapsed into groups in the tab bar itself are a vital productivity feature. Please add the functionality 'natively' or add the ability for add-on authors to provide the functionality.

Thank you.

Strollin' around

Not having chrome style tab groups is a deal breaker for me. Also, please make sure to add a feature to import tabs and tab groups from chrome when implementing this. 

New member

yes please do this. I know a lot of people who are willing to switch back if its getting implemented

New member

i literally just created this account to say that THIS is the only thing thats holding me back from fully switching to firefox. seriously this is a extremely needed feature that addons cant replicate

Strollin' around

+1 here, it's baffling that Firefox doesn't have grouping seeing this is the most upvoted idea by far

Strollin' around

i have the same reasons as fami. If this feature was implemented into Firefox, i would not need a different browser. But given how Vivaldi lets me structure my tabs with this feature in combination with its workspace feature, makes Firefox just tedious to work in. I really hope this feature gets implemented quickly!

Strollin' around

Having a vivaldi like tab grouping feature aswell as vivaldi like workspaces would allow me to switch to firefox full time without the need for any other browser! I would really appreciate if they get implemented!

New member

However this feature is implemented, please make sure there are there are two types of ways to group, by workspace (aka by window, like SimpleTabGroups), and the other by tabs themselves (like chrome etc). Also there should be a quick way to switch these workspaces using some sort of sidebar (the new Opera has a really nice sidebar with easy accessible buttons for each workspace, easily editable shortcut keys would also be good, like ctrl+tab but for the workspaces).