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New member
Status: Trending idea

The Multi-Account Containers extension is a very useful addon as it prevents websites from accessing all your browsing data by limiting it inside containers. I love this so much as it enhances the privacy. For example, I keep all meta related websites like facebook, instagram in a seperate container. So the only data they can access is between their own websites and not the rest of my browsing habits.

TLDR: Please bring this extension for Android!


Strollin' around

@JonI guess still no updates?

New member

This is essential.

Making moves

+1, please

Making moves

Yes. Availability of this extension or a similar feature will really improve account management. Obviously it should be done without hindering the performance of the application.


New member

Once I started to use it on PC, I can't use browser without it. It makes multitasking, organizing, and managing multiple accounts so much easier.

New member

I love the idea of preventing sites like the meta sites from seeing data from outside of their own ecosystem.  Being able to create separate account containers would also allow different family members to use the same device without contaminating their data.

New member

I need this for my workflow so bad!! Multi-Account Containers on Android would be incredible. I already use my phone a LOT for work, and I need to be able to sign into multiple accounts on the same website for testing purposes. This feature on desktop has saved me soooo much time but if it was available on Android as well I could save hours per day. Please please pleaseeee

New member

I would appreciate having this very much. I currently have multiple browsers installed on my phone, to keep my different accounts separated, and swapping between the different ways they behave can be a bit of an annoyance. Having one unified experience whilst having the separation sounds ideal (it would also make me look less like a lunatic with all the browsers lol)

Making moves

Agreed! Containers are really helpful in securing our online privacy. We need it!

New member

Incredibly annoying that this feature still hasn't been added to the android version of Firefox.

New member

Why do the instructions for syncing multi account containers include Android when there is no such extension for Android? Search on my Pixel 7a Firefox cannot locate it so I assume it still doesn't exist.

New member

No update?

New member

Please bring multi account containers to Firefox for Android! 

Strollin' around

Where's container for android?

Firefox’s Multi-Account Containers are a game-changer on PC, letting you separate work, personal, and other browsing activities easily. But what about Android?

Sadly, containers aren’t available on mobile yet, and Mozilla hasn’t given a release date. Many users, including me, want this feature, so hopefully, it arrives soon!

For now, the only option is using different browsers, but it’s not the same. Mozilla, please bring Containers to Android!

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Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)