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Making moves
Status: New idea

This is a very small and functionally useless, but can we customise the container tab labels, so we can choose a custom colour or icon for different containers.  It would be more helpful to distinguish containers.


Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

Given the opaque, vague, often downright untraceable creators of most browser extensions, the volume of extensions, or plugins causing independent, unpaid, evaluators, auditors, or simply tech savvy Mozzilians, I opine, based on years of navigating the landscape of multiple browsers extension repositories that, at best, I generally found what I was looking for after long queries, only from creators with transparency (i.e. if a company for profit, then adding hours in the process of evaluating and cross-checking things ranging from the level of equity, non-predatory Terms of Service/Privacy Policy, going through multiple channels, from legal track record for privacy of said for profit company sifting through many dot gov domains, incongruencies between published data on company standing, Crunchbase, better business bureau, et cetera, verifying if -you'd be surprised how many domain owners, or companies with online portals abuse this- their IAB license is on the actual IAB list, sincerely recommending not going down the rabbit hole of companies nonchalantly asking their UIX designer to add IAB certification logo, which lacking verification, I'd bore you to sleep with how many eurolex (EU Law) laws they breach, if the license is renewed for the year during my review) - All in all, a waste of time over what ought to be a simple add-on.
Furthermore, the secondary reason I upvoted your idea is due to Mozilla's commitment towards ethical frameworks, so, for example, should (definitely not me after spending a whole night drafting a whole essay for an EU project, pro bono) have ADHD, ADD- revised under last DSM edition under the name Non-kinetic ADHD, I can see an angle whereupon browser add-ons would aid people who check a company's track record over 20+ tabs, thus aiding in facilitating pro-mental health utilities, making it not just a practical utility, but downright contributing to what folks with attention deficit disorder, or people be it for professional, or self-determined desires can enjoy the utility of placing the bulk of relevant, on topic tabs into containers of custom colors, or even icons, although icons could be more laborious to code, interfere with other add-ons, or be false flagged by extensions such as Privacy Badger, UBlock Origin, AdBlocker Ultimate, Tempermonkey custom scripts, and I could go on, but colors do aid people with ADHD sprinkle some customization. I am not a medical expert in the specific field of sensory contributions to persons with ADHD, as such, best I can do is back my empirical experience with citing the expert scientific medical health journal article, such as:

Tannock R, Banaschewski T, Gold D. Color naming deficits and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a retinal dopaminergic hypothesis. Behav Brain Funct. 2006 Jan 27;2:4. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-2-4. PMID: 16441891; PMCID: PMC1403787. (source of the safe to click .gov portal for the sake of brevity and not drowning in 20+ tabs searching: ) note the PMC from the URL and citation have the same number, ergo, covering any doubt for providing links.
Tertiary reason for the upvote, is the top kudoes post being Native Tab Grouping / More Customizable Tab Bar, thus, I wager, this is a not-just-you, and personally encourage to give yourself credit, mainly because in bringing this idea can be functionally useful for users of the browser that would probably be very grateful over the traditional inclusive, accommodating as many demographic segments, including neurodivergent segment, as a hallmark for as recently and highly comprehensively an insight article from mozilla foundation was posted (Source: ), so sincere kudos for bringing up something that now you know backed by both scientific studies, and members of the Non-profit browser backed by the foundation how users (I was lucky to find in the preamble of the Insight article that the author is US-based, by their own mention in the body of text, thus it works hand in hand with the above study.) Your idea can increase the efficiency of many people, so again, kudos. โ˜‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘
Making moves

Custom colors would definitely be a plus

Making moves

The extension already allows you to change the colours and names and create new ones.

Screenshots could be English, more colours or custom colours should also be added as more settings, VPN is there and proxy, what about DNSoHTTPS