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New member
Status: New idea

Hi, thank you for the Thunderbird app - I like it so much, but there are some problems with the emails filtering. There is a list of proposing changes, please see below.

- global filtering - right now there is no option to set the global filter for all accounts, eg. all incoming mail, before spam filter if it contains the characters '/o2' in the subject than just delete it without hesitation.. right now I need to create the filter for each account and select some desired folder which is insane because it is tedious and it won't work if the email somehow will come to another folder even in the same account. what I expect is to have ability to filter everything which is incoming and I don't care for witch folder and witch account it is currently landing. For the rules like move to desired folder etc. the folder structure can be always recreated or such rule automatically not executed - depends on users requirement; current filtering may stay as it is, but global may be used before current and be a new feature actually

- one click super filter / spam killer - i need the ability to just click and create the global rule (like described earlier) for the spam mail that I know it will be coming constantly, current rules for subject, body, cc, etc. may apply, but the procedure to create such filter should be very simple, I know that there is such possibility to click on subject or whatever to create the rule from it but I need it simpler - maybe something like create the rule based on profile (xyz: delete all incoming based on subject before spam check) would be sufficient

- ability to quickly create global filter on multiple emails based on eg: email subject of that email or sender, just to remove freaking spam again - i don't ever need to see this crap incoming to me and usually I know what exactly is in subject area or the sender name of such emails.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

It is a very good idea! We use TB for creating our work flow.

The first contact with a customer/supplier is with mail address.

Our work flow:

  • Create a folder from mail address with that name with changes. Because of file system by Microsoft takes the point as delimiter, we change "." to "_" and "@" to "-".
  • The following step is to create a rule:
    action="Move to folder"
    actionValue="imap:// Immobilien/Immob R&APY-dling/stadtwerke-detmold_de"
    condition="AND (all addresses, contains,"
  • Then we start the filtering and in the future all communications are at safe location.

I hope, the feature will come in reality.

Sorry for my bad English!

New member

Thunderbird: Filter for all email Accounts

I am using Thunderbird for a while and collect my Emails from different accounts, may it be the usual suspects like Gmail or gmx but also business accounts and the like.

As it happens, I receive similar emails into those different accounts. Let's use "Newsletters" as an example. If I get emails for each of my accounts that I would categorize as a "Newsletter" I need to set up for each Email account a filter that tags those emails as a "Newsletter". I would prefer to have a filter that scans through all my emails I received in Thunderbird to tag emails as "Newsletter" instead of doing it for each single email account.

The second possibility would be to have such "global filter" that scans my Emails after I tagged them with a word and then moves them into my defined local folders regardless of Email account they were initially received.


What do you think?




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Community Manager
Making moves


I'm also waiting for this feature to apply a filter to all email accounts, instead of waiting to receive spam to create a filter then (and only one filter at that). 👍


New member

I also vote for the new feature requested above called "global filter".



New member

Indeed: I left a comment under the link above. You may close this one here.


Thanks and Cheers


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

I was going to suggest this idea as well, so I'm please there is already an outstanding request for this idea.  Please do this.  It would make managing an inbox easier.

New member

Yes, same here. A global filter for all accounts would be very appreciated! I was quite surprised that this doesn't (yet) exist. It's a bummer that the idea isn't new, but it hasn't been implemented yet. Hopefully this can be added to make this great email program even better.

Making moves

Just having the filter option has simplified my life tremendously. I can send all shopping or any vendor to a specific mailbox to be read when I have the time later. I HOPE THIS GETS ADDED TO ANDROID THUNDERBIRD versions. I still don't understand why Android is taking so long.

New member

YES - a global filter for all of your mail accounts. Many accounts get the same junk, so we shouldn't have to go into each account's individual mail filter rules to add another spammer.  I personally have 9 different mail accounts, so it would be HUGE to just add the mail filter ONCE and cover all mailboxes.

Making moves

YES please developers!!!!

It is a real hassle having to copy the msgFilterRules.dat file between email accounts.