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New member
Status: New idea

When deleting and event in Calendar a confirmation dialog says "Do you really want to delete this event?" 


It would be very helpful if the message included the title of the event being deleted.  For example, "Do you really want to delete the event 'Lunch with Sandy'?"

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Can I also add a further suggestion in this area...

Several times now I've accidentally deleted an event rather than a message.

Keyboard focus for me is normally on the message list as I peruse new messages, many of which I just want to delete and so press Shift+Delete and then Enter (the following message box's default button) to delete the message. However, occasionally focus will somehow get shifted to the events list, and I inadvertently delete an event since the same keystrokes (rightly) delete the event. Yes, I should pay more attention and read the message before pressing Enter, but that's an unfortunate consequence of being familiar with a UI and using the keyboard operations for speed.

My suggestions:

On the 2 message boxes, "Confirm Deletion" (for messages), and "Delete Event" (for events), have the default button be the safe option of Cancel (for messages) and No (for events). This would mean that I wouldn't be able to use the same keystrokes for both. You'd need to give the "Delete" button an accelerator letter too - which it really should have.

Make the message boxes notably visually different such that a quick glance would quickly distinguish them. This current suggestion may well achieve this by adding the event title prominently.

Of course neither of my suggestions will be of much use if the user sets the "Don't ask me again" options for those message boxes, you can't really fix that other than by using different accelerators - which I don't think would be good.