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Status: New idea

Sometimes when going to amazon a different page loads up using the same link it appears just a tiny bit different but I know it is a scam because it uses different headers for the site than the actual site.  It would be nice if there was a way to report such a scam that would allow you the option to record the last five seconds etc. of when you were online or the links that took you to said site etc. if anything a screenshot of the evidence showing the differences in the two pages would be nice to be able to share or a hotkey that you would be able to press.  I am very poor and cannot afford to be scammed so this feature would be very helpful and save a lot of people the time wasted trying to find "wheres the report feature" when said site may not even have one.  IF a opt in feature was available that warned people with a number showing how many people have been scammed by the same site when a person tries to enter a site people could choose carefully where they go, and when the threat is removed then remove the counter from the site showing the trouble BUT DO show a list of how many times this has happened when people click the security info button on the plugin.  Thank you and have a safe and wonderful day/night.

Status changed to: New idea
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