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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

When I search for bookmarks the search results only show the bookmarks.

But I would also like to see folders in the results.

E.g. I have a folder named "weather websites".

If I search for "weather", I would like to see this folder in the search results.

Then I could click on or expand that folder, to see all the bookmarks inside.


Related, but different to:

Status changed to: New idea
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Search option in 'Add bookmark' window to search for a specific folder

Search option in 'Add bookmark' window to search for a specific folder name where the bookmark can be added. Scrolling through the folders to select the right folder the bookmark to be added in is tedious.

New member

Yes, please โ€“ I need this too!  I submitted this request as a question in the support forum.  That conversation is at:

Strollin' around

Yes! absolutely - this is a much needed option by me too and I guess everybody would appreciate this option !

"When I search for bookmarks the search results only show the bookmarks. But I would also like to see folders in the results"

New member

Searching bookmark folders would make my life so much more efficient -- please create this feature!

New member

There is a Firefox Extension which does this called "Bookmark Search Plus 2". After adding it, use CTRL+Q to quickly access it. My only gripe, and a small one at that, is that after bringing it up, you have to manually click in it's search area instead of it just letting you type your query after it comes up.

Mozilla, why in the heck do we need an extension to search our bookmarks for a folder name?

Making moves

Allow bookmark folders to show in search results of the Firefox bookmark manager / library.

Sometimes I find myself creating a duplicate/similar bookmark folder because I forgot the old one/s existed.

I think adding bookmark folders in search results would help users find bookmark folders or bookmarks they are looking for faster.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

Yes, please add the folder location. When I search I find the link OK but never know where it is stored to more easily find it again later or to better organize all my bookmarks; especially in the Library view.

Making moves


Mozilla, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this!

Strollin' around


New member

Yes, this definitely needs to be a thing.  In the list of results that "Firefox Suggest" appears, it needs to show the Folder that the Bookmark is in. Right now it takes like 10 steps to find out what a given bookmark is in. Thanks!

New member

In a post on 8/29/2023 09:53 AM  by "Jon the Community Manager" I see:

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

To me this only confuses the matter. The original question was about  searching for a specific folder name in Firefox Bookmarks. (Which apparently isn't possible because I've seen similar posts going back about 20 years.) The merged posts are asking how to find the location of the bookmark that was found as a search result.

To do this:  rt. click on the bookmark that was found through the search and from the menu that opens, select "Show in Folder". Next you'll see in the left panel that the bookmark folders are expanded to the highlighted folder name that you're looking for.

New member

I've always been puzzled why I couldn't search for a folder. I have a restaurants folder with tons of bookmarks in it. I don't necessarily know the name of the bookmark I want, but if I can find the folder, I'd be a lot closer to finding the bookmark.