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New member
Status: Delivered

Give us an auto-PIP option that enables PIP automatically when I change from a tab that is showing a video to another tab. When going back to the original tab and that video source is shown, disable it again.

When multiple video sources are available, make it so that the last viewed tab with a source is shown in the auto-PIP. It should also be possible to have multiple PIP instances open (like it is now) but the ones that are enabled manually should also be disabled manually.

Strollin' around

@babolivier Yes I would also love that option. Arc Browser handles this well by providing three buttons. One to go back to the tab, one to close PiP and continue playback (the -), and one to close PiP and stop playback (the x).


Looks like the relevant bug for this is

New member
Loving this feature but like babolivier says, it would be great to dismiss certain PiPs without the video stopping, have the browser remember the state and possibly blacklist domains too. For example scrolling on twitter and switching tabs will cause a gif to enter PiP mode which is pretty useless most of the time. I do love when I have two tabs open with videos and I switch between the two so the other gets minimized to PiP, very slick overall!
New member

I really love this feature but it would bee good to add a button onto the mini PIP window to disable auto pip for that current vide. Sometimes I just want to listen to a video why it is playing in the backgroud. Currently it is not possible.

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

This is now delivered in Firefox 130 through the new Firefox Labs page in Settingsโ€”more info in the Release Notes here.








Try it out and let us know what you think ๐Ÿ™Œ

Strollin' around

There should be a website blacklist or some "don't open again for this site" option because it keeps opening on sites such as google meet where it doesnt make sense

Community Manager
Community Manager

@CeruleanDerpo thanks for the feedback! This has been shared with the team, and there is also another idea thread with the same request: Exclude websites from auto PIP 


Making moves

I really like the new auto-PIP mode on tab change. I use multiple monitors and it is very useful that the video opens instantly on another screen, when I change the tab ๐Ÿ‘

Making moves

On Mac OS, with this feature activated, the system is still going to sleep/screensaver. Is any one else facing this issue?

New member

This feature is great, but... when I switch to a new tab, I usually want to immediately type a query in the address bar. Unfortunately, there are two issues:
1. The PiP window does steal focus, and I have to manually switch back to the main Firefox window;
2. Thereโ€™s a slight delay between switching tabs and the PiP window appearing, which creates the false impression that itโ€™s safe to start typing because the main window is still in focus

While losing a couple of keypresses is usually just a minor annoyance, it can sometimes be more disruptive โ€” for example, unexpected pauses when you press the spacebar, or an unexpected PiP window disappearing when you press Ctrl+W (intending to close the new tab, returning to the previous one)

There is a hypothetical fix by KDE's "focus stealing prevention". Indeed, it works, but only with the system-wide setting set to "Extreme" level, which breaks the behavior of other windows on my system. I've tried configuring the same with "Window Rules" specifically for the PiP windows, matching against the PiP window and against main Firefox windows, but neither works (matching is successful, but it doesn't really prevent stealing)

Environment Details:
Manjaro Linux, Wayland, Plasma 6.2.4, Firefox 134.0