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Strollin' around
Status: Trending idea

Common Voice is a Mozilla project that builds datasets for speech recognition systems, in it's collection it has low resource, vulnerable and endangered languages, that have little representation in the digital world.

Adding a search by voice to Firefox, would provide a simple voice service for these languages.

Beside the good cause, with this blue ocean strategy, Firefox might have a comeback. The browser's red market already has tons of players, where as the voice search for disadvantaged languages is a blue market that ideally Mozilla would be the only player or there would be few players with no giant players. This is a new market waiting to be captured that giants would not bother to enter.

Let me know what you think?
What are the possible benefits if any?
Do you use search by voice more often on your smart phone, tablet, notebook, PC?

Best Regards,

Here is a screenshot of this feature in Chrome:


New member

Hi everyone, my gratitude for your works, seguiré en mi idioma nativo español para expresarme mejor...

Para empezar nombrar todos los agradecimientos a la comunidad Mozilla y todo su aporte a la web transparente para quienes queremos el beneficio de una navegación segura, personal y sin el enfoque comercial de grandes corporaciones.

Mi idea aunque no debe ser nueva, pero es reforzar el hecho de que hoy en día todos tenemos un dispositivo con micrófono integrado, por lo que sería una gran mejora poder usarlo para las funciones diarias básicas en la interacción con el navegador hablarle al sistema y este reconozca y traduzca a texto que buscamos, ya sea paginas web o introducción de texto en distintos campos de la navegación e introducción de datos para hacer más accesible a todas las personas, cabe mencionar que muchos de los usuarios que vimos nacer Mozilla y lo hemos acompañado por décadas, ya estamos avanzados en edad y se facilitaría mucho el poder usar "como se soñó hace mucho tiempo" hablarle al computador y este entienda lo que deseamos hacer.

Por motivos de trabajo he estado un tanto ausente de las noticias y avances y el trabajo quizás under en respecto a esto por lo que espero me entiendan si esta solicitud no es nueva, pero no es malo traer o hacer un UP a esta inquietud.

Un fuerte abrazo y agradecimiento a la comunidad y vuestro trabajo de un viejo programador que se inició en los Atari 800 xl con Basic...

jejeje y un buen consejo... los filtros sin indices son muy lentos, creen indices en las tablas y luego apliquen los filtros, mejoraran las búsquedas... y por favor apliquen la capacidad de personalización de idioma a este foro para los spanglish hablantes.


Oscar Vogler

To begin with, thank you to the Mozilla community and all its contribution to the transparent web for those of us who want the benefit of safe, personal browsing without the commercial focus of large corporations.

My idea although it should not be new, but it is to reinforce the fact that today we all have a device with a built-in microphone, so it would be a great improvement to be able to use it for basic daily functions in the interaction with the browser, talk to the system and this recognizes and translates the text we are looking for, whether it is web pages or text entry in different fields of navigation and data entry to make it more accessible to all people, it is worth mentioning that many of the users who saw Mozilla born and have accompanied by decades, we are already advanced in age and it would be much easier to be able to use "as was dreamed of long ago" to speak to the computer and it understands what we want to do.

For work reasons I have been somewhat absent from the news and progress and the work may be under regarding this, so I hope you understand me if this request is not new, but it is not bad to bring or make an UP to this concern.

A big hug and thanks to the community and your work from an old programmer who started with the Atari 800 xl with Basic...

hehehe and a good tip... filters without indexes are very slow, create indexes on the tables and then apply the filters, it will improve the searches... and please apply the language customization capability to this forum for Spanglish speakers .


oscar vogler

Status changed to: Trending idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with an exciting update…

Your idea has received a great deal of votes (kudos) and support here in the Mozilla Connect community, so we are upgrading the status to “Trending idea.” This means it’s now one step closer to reaching our internal teams for review—learn more about The Idea Journey.

Please keep the conversation going, add any details (the more, the better), and stay tuned for updates 😃

-The Community Team

New member

Good idea!



New member

Just copy the idea from Google Chrome. Add that voice search button in the right corner of a search box. PS use the database of Mozilla Common Voice.
Google Voice Search

New member

I don't use Windows Speech recognition because I don't want Microsoft to know what I search for and create my profile and call me a perv. I just need a voice typing button which I can press to dictate text without using my fingers. It should only listen to me and convert my words into text, that's all.

New member

Hi all,

how's this idea going? I've been using Firefox for years but now with a broken hand a speech-to-text feature in FF would be very appreciated. I've recently switched to Google Chrome because of my condition, but I wouldn't like it to last.

New member

voice searches and commands

it would be useful to be able to dictate searches by voice, or other browser functions to be able to control them by voice

sarebbe utile poter dettare a voce le ricerche, oppure altre funzioni del browser poterle comandare sempre a voce


New member

voice search

Strollin' around

Search by voice would be very helpful to users with disabilities. It would definitely benefit user who are sight-impaired and those with motor skill limitations.

New member

@Nart you wrote right in Chrome, this is firefox, is there a reason it can't be used in firefox ? and especially in the Desktop version ?

@SamratPaul in linux not exist

and I agree with @Seamaiden  because it could really make a difference


New member

Add voice search like chrome - Agregar busqueda por voz como Chrome

Agregar boton para busqueda por voz como en android o en chrome

Making moves

This function consists in voice typing in the search string.

New member
It is inconvenient for the search engine to have no microphone
Strollin' around

Please add this feature. Sometimes, I just want to browse the web without typing.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)