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New member
Status: New idea

I frequently have to copy the TEXT of a url/link, and currently I have to highlight the link, then use copy to get the text into the clipboard. It would be very useful, and I think simple to program, an additional choice to the right click menu on a url/link, the ability to just copy the text directly into the clipboard. Currently, there is a "copy link" but no "copy link text".

New member

The fact that this feature is missing is genuinely one of the reasons I mainly use Chrome. If you want to copy a link's text, it's faster to just copy the url, go to chrome and then use the feature there than to fiddle around and try to get firefox to mark the text (which isn't even really possible in a lot of cases)

New member

The fact that this feature is missing is one of the main reasons I still use Chrome.

If you want to copy a Link Text, it's faster to copy the url, go to chrome, and use the copy link text function there, than to try and fiddle around to get Firefox to select the text. (which isn't even possible in a lot of cases)

Status changed to: New idea
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Not applicable
New member

Add an option to copy link text

For reference, use this: Example Link!

With the copy link text feature, you can right-click (or long press on mobile) the link, press "Copy link text", and have this copied into your clipboard:


Example Link!


 Would especially be helpful on Firefox Mobile as it eases copying text on touch screen devices in some cases.

New member

Copy text link

Since you guys like the "copy image in clipboard" idea, I'm here to shoot my shot and ask if there's any chance to implement the Copy text link option.

I find very useful when I have to copy a text which is also a link, but I don't need to copy the URL, but just the text.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

So, where to put like/kudos to make it happen?

Strollin' around

Request: Copying Link Text in Firefox Mobile

Hey Mozilla Community!

I have a request regarding Firefox Mobile. Currently, it lacks the ability to copy the associated text along with the URL when copying a link. This feature was available in Brave browser and proved to be incredibly useful.

Adding the option to copy link text in Firefox Mobile would greatly enhance its usability. It would allow users to easily share specific information from links, making the browsing experience more convenient.

I wanted to reach out to the community and inquire if there are any plans to implement this feature. If not, I kindly request its consideration as an enhancement. It would be a valuable addition for many Firefox Mobile users.

Thank you for your attention. I appreciate any feedback or support from the community regarding this feature request.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Familiar face

hi, I'm new here 🙂

i clicked on the thumb to tell i want it to be released.

is it right ?

should i do sth else ?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thomas_DC a thumbs up equals a vote, so that's a great way to support an idea! It's also good to add a comment with details explaining why you're voting for the idea - these details are always helpful when our product managers evaluate ideas for potential development.

Strollin' around

Copy link text

An option in the context menu when you click on a link to copy the text from it. This is also available in some other browsers and I really miss it in Firefox.

for example:



Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Making moves

I appreciate the Mozilla mobile for Android development work, but this is definitely is a needed menu item when your trying to copy invoice or order numbers, such a basic requirement so needs implementation sooner rather than later Devs. Thsnks