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Thunderbird keeps starting my Webbrowser

Making moves


i use a older Version, prior to Supernova or Nebula. Both UIs are, well ...

Thunderbird keeps annoying me now, because its starts every time my Webbrowser and tells me, that there is Nebula...

What's the point of Mozilla? You don't have to start my browser, especially not without asking!

How can i disable that?


Making moves

Its about trying to harass us into upgrading if we have decided not to.  Mozilla, as well as many other companies have been into that for some time.  None of that BS wold be "necessary" if they put out products that customers wanted to upgrade to. 

Maybe Mozilla should consider offering a better product and ask customers if we want these new features, bells, and whistles, before trying to ram them down our throats!  They obviously aren't listening.  Customers are saying the product they have suits them and WHY FIX WHAT AINT BROKEN!!  Others don't like the new product.  None of the new "features", nothing about the "look" in Thunderbird 128 are of any use considering the headache that comes with and, especially after, any upgrade.  What's the problem with our seeking it out for its own merits?

Above all - LEAVE US THE CHOICES! - even if it wrecks OUR systems!! 

C'Mon Mozilla, CUT THE CRAP!!!                   How is that page opening in the browser disabled?

All they are doing is forcing once loyal customers to go to other products.

Thats THE solution!!

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