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Thunderbird: Addresses from address book

Making moves

Thunderbird: The way you have to retrieve an address from the address book is really very poorly done, as it is very cumbersome.


Familiar face

Which part? 

The auto search when composing,  the use of the contact pane (F9) to select contact and lists, Right clicking on the user name in the list in the address book or the write button in the individual contact entry in the address book.

Sorry guys, I was quite cheeky. I really didn't know the trick with the F9 key to make the address book visible when editing an e-mail. Maybe also because I didn't find a corresponding description anywhere? But yes, with F9 it is quite alright. It's a bit strange for me to get to the addresses in the address book if you compare it with Outlook, but in the end it's quite practicable. Better than no F9! 😁. And, thanks for this F9 tip (cinque stelle 😁)

Making moves

WE also lost the ability to print the address book and when it does its only the  Name and Display name, before it showed all elements in a address book printout.