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Thunderbird 115, incoming emails routed to sub-folders not showing as "new email"

Making moves

Thunderbird 115, incoming emails routed to sub-folders not showing as "new email" in the main folder.  When a new email is routed to a subfolder and the folder (parent) is collapsed, the parent folder shows no indication there are unread (new) messages in one of the subfolders. When I open and close the folder the number of messages unread in the subfolder(s) pops up and indicates there are unread messages somewhere inside.   Every time I use Thunderbird and walk away for a while I have to open/close all my main folders to see if there are any new messages whithin....


Making moves

I have the same problem since upgrading to Thunderbird 115. There is no notification of new unread messages in subfolders. The only way to check is to expand each parent folder.

Only work-a-round I've found is to go to folders and check "unread folders" and it will open a whole new group down below.......  then at least you can see new mail... total PIA, nut it lets me know there is new mail in the subfolders... wish someone could fix this BUG.


Making moves

So that’s View > Folders > Unread Folders. Thanks for the tip!

Making moves

I have the reverse problem: I normally use Unread view and as I read all the messages in a folder, the folder remains in the Unread Folders list. After clearing 30 of 50 folders of new mail, that's a lot of clutter remaining. 

Making moves

I would like to draw attention to one more problem that affected me greatly after switching from Outlook. I use delving folders to several levels. When new mail appears at any depth level, Outlook by default expands all branches to the level where the new message is located. Thunderbird doesn't have this option at all. Numbers appear to indicate new messages and you have to manually open subfolders to get there. This is very irritating. Of course, since version 115 it has been broken even more, because now even these numbers do not work properly, as mentioned by previous speakers.
I would like to ask you to expand the Thunderbird functionality by automatically expanding folders with new messages.

Making moves

The behaviour I see with incoming mail filtered into subfolders with Message Filters is parent folders show incoming mail, but only as a grey unread mail icon number, or increase to any existing number.

So if several parent folders have an existing unread mail icon it's not possible to tell which account/folder has the incoming mail without guessing by expanding folders and subfolders to play hunt the blue icon.

Would be great if users had the option to change parent folder behaviour to highlight incoming mail, which I'm fairly sure TB used to do by default.

Also agree with Urke's suggestion above of expanding folders automatically for incoming mail.

Making moves

Hallo, same problem of user Saltwatersteve, new mail don't flash into their subfolders, they are regularly directed according to their filters, but the mail remain hidden until you expand the folder into the subfolders.

Totally unuseful in this way! Please try to fix this behaviour




Don't know why but the problem resolved it'self several weeks ago.........  I am on 115.3.2 (64-bit).... maybe you need to check (help-about Thunderbird) fo updates...

I've played around quite a bit so maybe I hit on something however I suspect it was fixed by thunderbird in an update.  I am back to the way it worked in the old thunderbird and again happy with the product.


Making moves

Having just updated to 115.3.2 (64-bit) I still see the issue where incoming mail filtered into subfolders only show as highlighted at its destination folder, not the parent folder.

Making moves

thunderbird options.jpg

I also have 115.3.2 (32bit) and the same preferences with the same setting like in pictures (thanks!) but I still have no new mail flash in the subfolders ☹️

Making moves

I currently have version 115.3.3 and same issues. although I note it is worse. If it is one level down from main then it will still show the unread icon but greyed out on the main folder. But if is more than 1 sub level from main level then it simply will not show it and you have to then open every single sub folder to then find it. Highly annoying considering the main folder itself shows there is a new message there so why oh why does that not then carry over and show in any more sub folders. In a way it would be more beneficial to use an Outlook feature which I found awesome (although I am not sure if that is still in the current Outlook have not used that for a few years now) and that any new mail coming into a sub folder then it would automatically expand all the sub folders so you could see it. A much easier and simplier way to find it. Apart from this one annoying issue though. Overall I am liking the new version.

I still have same problems, even with the new releases and bug fixes, they're fixing everything but not this issue 😢

I too can now confirm since updating to version 115.5.2 that it appears that the previous issue I mentioned no longer exists. To those who worked on it and fixed that issue. Thank you. I know there is only so many of you and I also know there is only so much you can do in a day. But, does not mean my thanks is any less for all your efforts in making Thunderbird better. The only thing would love to see is if it is a new message in say a sub sub folder that it auto expands the subfolder to show it. But that is cosmetics and nothing to do with functionality. Which appears to have been corrected. I wish all the staff working on Thunderbird a wonderful and very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. 🙂

Making moves

I am having the same problem with Thunderbird ever since it was updated from 102 to 115.5.0 where the parent folder's message number does not turn blue when something has arrived in one of the sub-folders.

I was talking to someone on the Reddit support thing for Thunderbird who has version 115.5.1 and says that this works for them, I have read the release notes for 115.5.1 and it doesn't say anything about fixing this issue, maybe it is a "collateral damage" fix... I don't know though. 

I tried the above listed tip of doing "View > Folders > Unread Folders" and sent myself another test message... the parent folder's message number went up by one number but is still gray.

I have since found out that you need to update to Thunderbird version 115.5.2 and it will fix the problem, I have personally verified that this fix works on my own system and the parent folders are now turning blue again after a message hits the sub-folders.

Here are the instructions, they should work on anything based on Ubuntu...

Open up "Terminal" and type in: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

Hit [ENTER] and put in your password, let it do its thing.

Then type in: sudo apt update and then hit [ENTER] and let it do its thing.

Go into "Update Manager" and hit "Refresh" let it update and Thunderbird version 115.5.2 should show up then download and install it, when it is done installing close Thunderbird if you haven't already then restart it, click "Help" and then "About Thunderbird" and you should have version 115.5.2.

Making moves

Can confirm the fix on Win 10 using Version 115.5.2, which is mentioned in release notes.
"FIXED Parent folders with collapsed subfolders did not consistently display new mail indicator or message count for subfolders"

From testing 115.5.2, it also seems to have fixed the issue nzcyclone mentions relating to folders being more than 1 sub level from main folder.