07-05-2023 04:53 AM
Does Gmail throttles imap/pop3 connections when attempting to check for received new emails?
I host other servers using postfix/dovecot and have much better results using thunderbird. Gmail requires some convoluted registration for the 3rd party apps, plausibly this is some kind of obstruction intended to compel users to login directly to the gmail website...
07-28-2023 08:17 AM
@Oclair wrote:Does Gmail throttles imap/pop3 connections when attempting to check for received new emails?
I host other servers using postfix/dovecot and have much better results using thunderbird. Gmail requires some convoluted registration for the 3rd party apps, plausibly this is some kind of obstruction intended to compel users to login directly to the gmail website...
I don't know about obstruction, but yes, for load and equity reasons gmail can and does throttle. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=gmail+imap+throttle
And having multiple devices access the same gmail accounts can also have an impact.