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Throttle/Limit CPU/GPU usage when using Google Meet - avoid crazy fan noise

Making moves

on macOS 14.5.1 and x86 laptop (e.g Macbook Pro 2020 with i7/2.3Ghz/Iris GPU), and for the past years, at least since 2017, Firefox joining a Google Meet kicks off fans like crazy, making a ton of noise. For some reason (optimization, throttling, not sure), Chrome doesn't exhibit this issue.

I commented in: 2 years ago but I'm surfacing this here because, eventhough M1/2/3 fix this, I'm stuck with x86 for 2 more years and it's just painful.

If there's no fix (GPU offload, CPU optimization on the GMeet side, on the Mozilla side), could we at least throttle the CPU/GPU usage to avoid triggering fan ? I wouldn't mind downgrading audio/video quality if that's the cost to have a relatively silent laptop.


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