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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and itโ€™s there to see if itโ€™s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and weโ€™re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether itโ€™s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,730 REPLIES 3,730

Making moves

My thoughts exactly. I moved to Firefox to avoid all the AI and privacy nonsense that other browsers have started to employ. I like Firefox, but I'll leave it behind too if this is implemented.

Making moves

I literally just switched to Firefox a few months ago to avoid exactly this! Not happy about the fact that if this goes ahead Iโ€™ll have to find an alternative browser again.

Making moves

PLEASE do not add this stolen spam garbage. Add any other functionality. Add better ways to block out AI content. Nothing is more frustrating than having bloated AI garbage in the way, that takes eight times as long to get nowhere with as it would to just do anything without AI.

Making moves

Please do not use AI. Everytime I see people talk about AI features it is negative. One of the things that led me to use your browser during my switch from chrome was your lack of AI. Using AI will do nothing but piss people off. Every AI feature I was forced to use just **bleep**ed me over and made it so much harder for the person I inevitably got in contact with to fix my problem. It cost both me and the other person a lot more time then simply just talking to someone to begin with. 

Making moves

Please don't add AI to Firefox. I prefer my web browser to be useful, and secure, and private.

Making moves

no ๐Ÿ˜ž people who use firefox are literally the last people who would ever want AI in their lives

Making moves

Please, NO. AI is useless garbage that harms the environment. I love Firefox and hate AI.

Making moves

Completely uninterested, sorry. I've had my work scraped for generative AI and it took almost two years to get to a neutral place about it and I still viscerally dislike it. Thanks for not making this opt-out but I have no interest in this at all. Really disappointed to see Mozilla going in this direction.

Making moves

Well why don't I just switch back to Chrome, then?

Making moves

please dont do that, thanks โค๏ธ i really hate ai and i think theres already plenty of programs out there, we dont need more

Making moves

Considering all the issues that arise when using ai in a browser, such as incorrect information, it would be better not to include it.

Making moves

No ai!

Making moves

No no no no no no no

Making moves

Please don't.

Making moves

Despite what tech companies want people to believe, most people just don't like this stuff.

We really don't need to make uploading misinformation and low quality content on the web easier.

Making moves

The person who came up with this idea should no longer be un charge of coming up with ideas.

Making moves

If ai is added I will delete everything i have stored in firefox, delete the browser, and add it to my ever growing list of disappointments that have added ai. I will find wvery single person i have ever told to use firefox and tell them to remove it as their browser. Then apologize for ever recommending firefox in the first place. Please do not add ai. i like firefox. even with it slowing down my computer a bit. the addons are all so lovely

Making moves

Don't do it. I have seen this function on many other browsers and none of them are useful. It is one more obstacle to finding accurate information on the internet and I am sick of it. 

Making moves

Absolutely not. I started using Firefox to get away from the ai garbage on google chrome. I will find an alternative if you ruin firefox. Ai has no place in my life and if you are brain dead enough to still add this it had better be opt in not opt out. 

Making moves

LLM use is not something I want in a browser. People who want to use them can already access them elsewhere, whereas I want nothing to do with them. I find the fact that this is being tested off-putting and the lack of genuine feedback on the part of Mardak to be somewhat insulting. Keep it in an extension if you have to go this route and don't claim that it's impossible because extensions can't do enough. If that's the problem, your company has the ability to solve it. I do not want an LLM model hosted elsewhere to have access to my data and I do not want to host one on my own computer. I am going to search for alternative browsers who do not push "AI" on users because I do not trust that you will listen to negative feedback.

Making moves

Just no. Please. 

Making moves

This is one of the few things that would make me stop using Firefox after 10+ years of using it & I would urge other long-time users like my mother, who is the one the introduced it to me & installed it on my first computer to switch to a broswer that does not include AI.

AI has a large ecological cost, and often presents misinformation when asked, which could be extremely dangerous in some cases, this misinformation happens due to a mix of poor data pools which can include even fictional sources, it also happens because AI don't understand the words we use, their model is more based off language structure, here's a article about that, and I ask if you read it, picture what would happen if someone for example asked a AI if a allergen was present and the AI produced a false negative to it's presence because it didn't actually "know" what food or allgen was being talked about.

Making moves

No. Please do not. 

Making moves

Please donโ€™t. This is literally one of the reasons I choose Firefox over all other browsers. Stop forcing crappy water-guzzling โ€œAI servicesโ€ down our throats at every opportunityโ€”if it ainโ€™t broke, donโ€™t fix it!

Making moves

For the love of god no

Making moves

C'mon, man. Firefox's best selling point is that it keeps trends like this at an arm's length. The thing that drew me and many others to Firefox was that as others "innovated" in inconvenient ways that made them a pain to use, Firefox stayed the course, and even prioritized user QoL. Don't succumb to FOMO, because there's nothing to miss out on.

Making moves

AI is an absolute scourge of plagiarism and theft. If AI is permanent added, I will delete this browser.

Making moves

Don't do this.

Making moves

The fact this was seen as a good idea is baffling.

Making moves

Mozilla, do you want to use AI in firefox?

then use AI to enhance existing firefox functionality,  for example pocket: it keeps showing me crap stupid articles, that have nothing to do with my interests.

so use AI, in a privacy preserving way (data never leaves my device) to scan my interests, by looking at the pages I visit, and then recommend similar pages on the internet (again, no data about my interests leaves my device).

this is an acceptable use of AI.


Making moves

Please absolutely not, say no to ai

Making moves

I use Firefox to get away from AI. I don't care if it's optional I just don't want my last bastion of non-AI browsing to be threatened. Please.

Making moves

Please don't even implement this "feature" at all. I've left Edge behind because of its constant shelling of its so-called artificial "intelligence" "tools". Generative AI and the likes are not something browsers need, and they produce a ton of waste even with a single roll. Please don't ruin Firefox. I don't want to have to switch browsers again.

Making moves

When I moved to Firefox recently, for the first time since the early 2010s, I was not willing to accept the changes from Manifest v3 enforcement on other browsers' extensions. Myself, and many others, trusted Mozilla to increase their focus on developing their flagship browser.

As my opinion stands with others here, I fail to recognize how adding generative media tools, and other AI-generated features would benefit the common user of Firefox. We've seen several challenges that generative media is copyright infringement, and not only am I worried that Mozilla is doing something that is dangerous from a legal standpoint, I'm also worried that Mozilla has taken a lesser priority on our feedback.

Please reconsider adding this. In my eyes, it's wasteful and mostly benefits bad actors to have more accessible tools to steal others work and spread misinformation online. It is, as the tags say, out of touch with the majority of your user base, including myself.

Making moves

I have not tried this feature. I will not try this feature, now or ever. NO AI, NO QUESTION.

Making moves

I donโ€™t think thereโ€™s really anything I can say that hasnโ€™t already been said. No. Absolutely not. You could make a plugin for it, but do NOT make it a built in feature.

Making moves

Genuinely I cannot think of a single reason why this would be necessary or how it would improve anything, nobody likes AI, nobody wants it, I have no idea how so many companies have gaslit themselves into thinking that AI is a good thing.

Making moves


Making moves

Absolutely not.

Making moves

PLEASE NO! Please no don't go down the tech bro AI toilet! Don't infect the only good web browser left with an outlet to the mediocre slop machine!

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