11:55 AM
- last edited on
02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-11-2024 12:12 AM
Anyone can help to get rid of **bleep**ing spam guy on this thread
09-11-2024 12:19 AM
From a practical standpoint, Firefox's primary selling points are trust and ethics. As AI is very clearly not trusted by a large portion of the userbase, I believe it would be unwise to integrate such a feature into the browser, regardless of if the developers view the skepticism as unfounded.
Also, it would be playing an unwinnable game of "catchup" with the ongoing fad on all other major browsers instead of making a bold statement of "Go use an extension or bookmark a website", which would resonate with the growing market of people frustrated with the encroaching of AI, whether out of neo-Luddism, ethics, or simply bad experiences.
09-11-2024 12:19 AM
absolutely not. don't do this. let the AI craze die down, like nfts did, then review why you want AI. we don't need this, it's a massive privacy breach, let alone the ethical & environmental problems associated with generative AI.
09-11-2024 12:33 AM
No Firefox, this is not the way.
People not wanting "ai" in their browsers should consider switching to Vivaldi.
09-11-2024 12:40 AM
Please do not integrate "AI" features in one of the last places to avoid this plague. LLMs cannot coherently and qualitatively provide any of the features you mention (summarisation, rephrasing, questions based on the excerpt) and I don't want to be part of even more ecological harm. Without even mentioning the workers' rights issues. Very saddened and disappointed by these news, if you roll out this feature more widely, me and many others will have to find another browser.
09-11-2024 12:51 AM
We do not want AI ANYTHING! Please don't incorporate AI, it is so wasteful of water and energy. We are experiencing climate collapse and AI is exacerbating it! AI also steals from artists and other creatives.
09-11-2024 01:02 AM
Hey don't do this.
09-11-2024 01:15 AM
Mozilla is to me, the last bastion of the Internet against the google/apple beast. I go to it because all that it offers and I love AI not being part of it. I cannot stress how much I don't want any AI implementation. Any examples of it in other software have been, mildly speaking horsesht. I don't think this is what Firefox is missing at all.
09-11-2024 01:18 AM
I hate side bars, more then I dislike llm's.
When I close the chat side bar how do I get it back? There should be a button for that.
And you should probably have a look how DuckDuckGo anonymizes chat. I will never login or accept the cookies for those surveillance companies.
But I would prefer, you not add this "ai" experiment to Firefox. It serves no purpose and others can probably do it better. So I will disable this again, and start using the Vivaldi browser.
09-11-2024 01:25 AM
See what you've done firefox, you've made me create an account to say this...
Take your "AI" and shove it using your 7 fingered hands that the "AI" generated from stolen works.
09-11-2024 01:47 AM
09-11-2024 01:51 AM - edited 09-11-2024 01:54 AM
Using AI of any kind in Firefox is just going to present a massive security leak no matter how many assurance are made, because those privacy violations are the backbone of how AI models function. That is simply an incontrovertible fact.
The entire reason I, and many other people, are using Firefox in the first place is because this is one of the very few browsers that does not have these kinds of features forced onto us. If you add AI, in any capacity even as an "optional" tool, people will leave. As clearly evidenced by the responses above mine (and probably below lbr).
Idk much about finance, but this sounds like a very risky business decision. To gamble with losing your intended clientele..
09-11-2024 01:56 AM - edited 09-11-2024 01:57 AM
Just adding my voice to the chorus of "No" in the slim hope that you might actually listen to us.
But in my experience, posts like this aren't actually about "getting feedback", but rather more of a release preview. I'm sure you're about to implement this regardless of what the majority of your userbase actually wants. The fact that you're ignoring the majority of the dissenting posts while replying to every comment who says they want this garbage is very telling.
I've used Firefox exclusively since 2009, and I've been a huge proponent of it on social media like Twitter and tumblr, trying to convince people to move away from Chrome specifically because Firefox was supposed to be the safer, better browser, made by a company who gave half a care about its users. You're making a liar out of me and everyone else who spoke up for you.
I will be severely disappointed if I have to figure out a new browser because you all listened to some AI tech bro nonsense and decided to implement a feature that is harmful to people's privacy and to the planet. But make no mistake: I will do so if I must. As will many more, as you can see from the response here. And without any good reason to switch from Chrome, I can't see many new users in Firefox's future.
Why would you implement something that will spell your own demise? It makes no sense.
09-11-2024 01:58 AM
no thanks
09-11-2024 02:13 AM
Please don't. This goes against the appeal of Firefox.
09-11-2024 02:14 AM
No "Ai", no llm!
I do not consent to getting that useless garbage shoved in my face and I do not consent to getting my data scrapped!!
I knew your new ceo was bad news
09-11-2024 02:52 AM
Please don't add ai to the browser. It really doesn't add anything useful. I use Mozilla and duck duck go to avoid google's ai shenanigans. I don't want to have to find another browser.
09-11-2024 02:53 AM
Please don't, I'm so tired of AI, keep firefox AI free I'm begging you!!!
We don't need this and you don't need to waste your resources on this useless crap. If you enforce it, I and many other users will definitely keep it turned off so why introduce it at all if it will remain unused by many users?
09-11-2024 03:06 AM
I would be highly against this.
09-11-2024 03:12 AM
No. In all sincerity, please dont.
I dont want this.
I dont need this.
I am extremely concerned about the amount of power being wasted for this.
I am extremely concerned about how much material and content from actual humans was/will be stolen to build this AI model.
If I want to hear/read something comically wrong and or nonsensical I can always go on twitter or whatever its called today.
Firefox is pretty much the last useable Browser that doesnt eat all my Ram and/or steals all my data. I really dont want to search for another one again. Please dont make me.
So, yeah, uhh...
No, I dont want any AI services.
09-11-2024 03:36 AM
Please do not do this genuinely the reason you guys hadn’t added AI as a “feature” is just one of the most important reasons I use Firefox in the first place and I know so many other people feel the same way. There’s no real reason to do this, if you really want to just add a pre-linked bookmark to chatGPTs website or something. AI integration just makes the browsing experience clunkier and less enjoyable. Please rethink this idea, and if you do for some reason, please make it an entirely separate build that is its own browser. Thank you guys for the work you do to keep browsing independent and enjoyable, this is not it.
09-11-2024 03:48 AM
Absolutely not. I don't want any form of ai on my browser and I would move to a new more secure one as soon as possible.
09-11-2024 04:19 AM - edited 09-11-2024 04:20 AM
No. I came here not to be bugged by ai
09-11-2024 04:32 AM
get this AI **bleep** OUTTA here. i have been using firefox since my mother taught me how to use her mac in 2005. i WILL end this TWO DECADES OF USE if y'all get on the AI train, so help me god.
09-11-2024 04:56 AM
Definitely no to AI. I'll be looking for a new browser if this doesn't go away.
09-11-2024 05:01 AM
This kind of AI is useless at best and causes dangerous misinformation at worst. There is no reason for Mozilla to waste time adding this to Firefox.
09-11-2024 04:54 AM
NO. Chasing the latest "Big Tech" trend like Mozilla did with VR, Bitcoin donations (remember those?)
It's like Mozilla decisions makers live in a different world than Firefox users.
We do not want AI. We want a browser that is fast, safe and hostile to targeted advertising. That is all. Not only are you alienating your users with these decisions, but you're pushing away potential new users as well.
09-11-2024 05:08 AM
Please don’t add ai to Firefox you’re literally the last browser left that doesn’t have a bunch of ai it’s why a lot (maybe even most) users prefer Firefox. If you add this what’s left for people who have very valid ethical issues with AI?
09-11-2024 05:11 AM
Please don't. I do realize Firefox has to experiment, and make money somehow. But I'm pretty sure, this isn't it. People who want to use LLMs, have already plenty of ways to do that. It might be different if it would be a Mozilla developed model that can be run locally, at least that would offer an advantage over existing solutions. But otherwise it just makes it just much harder to safeguard browser data and is likely opposed to other features / benefits of Firefox as a privacy friendly browser.
09-11-2024 05:36 AM
Please do not
09-11-2024 05:36 AM
please don't do this
09-11-2024 05:51 AM
Please do not add it at all
09-11-2024 05:51 AM
Please don't do this. Beyond the fact that no one actually NEEDS this, you'll be contributing to toxic environmental damage and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, and to lousy working conditions for the humans who work to make AI do what limited things it can do. Don't.
09-11-2024 05:54 AM
I cannot begin to explain how UNinterested I am in AI anything, especially if it's tied to user control. AI has already proven itself unreliable and untrustworthy when it comes to handling information, and criminal at best when used for generation of any kind. I do not want AI to get any more information on me than it probably already has and I don't want to be made to use information on other people unwittingly. I have stopped using several things because of a sudden introduction of AI, I have no qualms leaving Firefox and finding some other browser.
09-11-2024 05:59 AM
Part of why I love firefox is it DOESNT participate in the AI movement. It’s impossible to get any real information with google chrome as it’s all filtered with ai and legitimately spreading misinformation. I understand it can look good to investors to say you have ai, but I implore you for your USER BASE, do not do this.
09-11-2024 06:07 AM
Why. I've already started moving away from Windows for Copilot garbage, Twitter for Grok and the data scraping, dA for the data scraping and GAN "art" flood... What the fresh ungodly **bleep** does my browser need "AI" too when it's already getting forcefed to me by every website AND my OS? Get this shlock out of here.
09-11-2024 06:24 AM
Everyone else has said it, but NO. I moved to firefox to avoid the AI, tracking and privacy BS all the other browsers are doing and I'm not afraid to do it again. AI is a waste of time and very literal energy.
09-11-2024 06:34 AM
Absolutely not, If this is implemented I'll be searching for a new browser.
09-11-2024 06:39 AM
The nice thing I'll say is I appreciate it being optional. However, that is it. I am not interested in utilizing "AI" being built or included with everything I own, use, or see. I think it is a endeavor that is brought upon by corporate FOMO (fear of missing out) and is a gimmick more than a tool.
I often see the benefits and features of "AI" touted about more than I do see its failures, downsides, and ethical concerns. I appreciate this discussion's commenters not shying away from those facts. Thank you.
09-11-2024 06:41 AM
No no no. No. No no. No no no no no, no no. No.
AI in its current state/usage is hot garbage and completely unhelpful! Firefox users are here for the privacy control and functionality, why in the name of good common sense would y'all want to undo that?