11:55 AM
- last edited on
02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-09-2024 02:29 PM
please, don't do this, i for one am sick and tired of AI creeping in everywhere, i'll lay money that no one has asked for all this integration. i use firefox to avoid all the nonsense that other browsers are forcing down our throats and now you guys are pulling this too
09-09-2024 02:30 PM
09-09-2024 02:31 PM - edited 09-09-2024 02:35 PM
No. Not wanted or needed
09-09-2024 02:31 PM
Please do not put AI features anywhere in Firefox.
09-09-2024 02:38 PM
I use Firefox BECAUSE you aren't other browsers. Why even add this as a feature? There is no ethical way to use this type of AI. If your users want it they can find it literally everywhere else. Some of us would rather not support theft and environmental damage though. I for one will leave if this isn't walked back soon.
09-09-2024 02:37 PM
Firefox user for a long time - PLEASE no AI. It doesn't actually do much good and does do a lot of harm, some from people misunderstood or misusing it but also due to environmental cost.
09-09-2024 02:39 PM
please don't.
09-09-2024 02:39 PM
No. Just NO. "No" in 10000 languages. N-O. Leave it be. We do not NEED this feature. AI has practical use in fields of sciences and in the medical field - not in places where information can be generated to the detriment of the population. We've already seen the disasters of AI in other browser providers be above them. People have come to Firefox specifically to AVOID AI.
Your AI will not be better than the others. Just stop.
09-09-2024 02:41 PM
Hi! Please do not include AI in Firefox and other Mozilla products! AI can be a handy tool but in modern world it causes more harm than good.
09-09-2024 02:42 PM
Considering the general lack of effectiveness of all current generative AI programs coupled with their huge environmental toll by wasting gallons upon gallons of water with every query I'm against the implementation of any AI even optionally. Like many have also brought up AI implementation has been used as a backdoor into stealing people's data by other companies and brings concerns of user privacy that would make me decide to switch browsers.
09-09-2024 02:42 PM
this is, and I cannot emphasis this enough, is a Hard No. I have no need for the misinformation generator in my browser, please devote your time to developing other changes. literally anything else. I'm generally happy with firefox as is, but adding anything "AI" related will drastically change my feelings (for the worse). I have literally never needed AI, never wanted AI, never thought it was or could ever be useful in any way. stop it. stop trying to be google. I came to firefox because I couldn't stand google.
09-09-2024 02:43 PM
please consider this comment an un-kudos to the original post. -1 kudos. a dislike, if you will.
as an artist and writer, the fact that you're even CONSIDERING implementing generative ai -- even optionally -- is hideously insulting.
09-09-2024 02:42 PM
Please please please do not put AI into Firefox. It’s not a useful tool. It’s not going to improve anything. It’s just going to give more legitimacy to a product that is not worth the garbage it produces.
09-09-2024 02:42 PM
No, thank you. I do not support AI. It uses far too much energy, and makes search results more inaccurate. I do not trust it. I moved to Firefox because Chrome is bull (it's bull for many reasons) but a large part is integration of AI. It'd be a pain, but I WILL move browsers if AI becomes part of Firefox. I understand that at this point it's optional, but it started as optional in other places as well.
The inclusion of AI into Firefox would make me begin to doubt it's security, as well as what's happening to my data. Firefox is one of few things left on the internet that seems to put people first, and to stand by the values by which it was founded. Please don't stray from that.
This is not a feature I support, nor is it one I'll be using. I ask that you rethink this, and that you choose another path for Firefox's future.
Thank you.
09-09-2024 02:45 PM
09-09-2024 02:45 PM
I've been using Firefox since forever, as it's the only real alternative web engine nowadays. The firefox users I know choose it because it's a vital counterweight to the monopoly held by Google, we value a free and open internet. I think ensuring firefox lives on and is sustainable towards the future is should be Mozilla's core mission. Adding bloated and controversial features like AI (especially when powered by external proprietary services) is an antithesis to that mission and should be avoided at all costs, it will scare the most important user-base away, as these comments show.
Focus 👏 on 👏 the 👏 core 👏 mission, don't chase big-tech.
09-09-2024 02:45 PM
Please do not do this. AI is not wanted for assistance or ease
09-09-2024 02:45 PM
I came here to say that I don't want AI integration in firefox's core browser. Then I started reading the replies and just got really disappointed to see that the concerns of users like me are not being taken seriously, even when accompanied by long and thoughtful analysis. My trust in Mozilla just took a pretty big hit.
09-09-2024 02:45 PM
I appreciate y'all opening up this topic for public feedback; it's something most companies have chosen to ignore.
With that said, please do not incorporate AI into firefox. AI is built on stolen data, privacy violations, and an overall lack of care for human beings. Additionally, AI has been known to spread plentiful bouts of misinformation, which I'd rather not see every day.
I understand the desire to incorporate it, as it's been so heavily promoted across the tech industry. However, the choice to include it in firefox would fundamentally go against the principles firefox has laid out: safety, security, and privacy.
Once again, thank you for opening this up to public discussion, and for taking the time to read through responses.
Best wishes,
An appreciative Firefox user.
09-09-2024 02:46 PM
bad idea man...
09-09-2024 02:47 PM
Do not do this. I use Firefox because it doesn't shove AI in my face.
09-09-2024 02:48 PM
no thank you 🙂
09-09-2024 02:48 PM
I signed up on here specifically to say absolutely, hard, flat, permanent NO.
I do not want any "AI" 'services' or 'functionality' or 'features' in my browser, full stop. This is not a knee-jerk, nor a me-too, nor an uninformed choice. I don't claim to be a top expert, but my professional position requires that I know a fair amount about it, and that I keep up with developments in the field. On that basis:
NO. Keep your "AI" garbage all the way the hell away from me.
Please and thank you.
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
Do not add AI to Firefox, please. From a loyal user of over a decade.
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
Don't do this. I use Firefox BECAUSE it doesn't shove AI in my face at every available opportunity. AI is a useless tech fad that is making the internet less user friendly by the day. Ditch the AI.
09-09-2024 02:48 PM
Absolutely not, please and thanks!!! Generative AI is theft and often unintelligble nonsense. We don't need more of it!!
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
Please, don't.
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
No thanks, I'm tired of companies pushing AI. If this does end up becoming a feature I will switch browsers.
09-09-2024 02:49 PM
Please don't do this. There's no actual function that AI serves that can't be done better with other tools.
09-09-2024 02:51 PM
How about NOT shoving AI crap into a perfectly fine browser, thanks! The ethical and environmental concerns are enormous, the output is consistently garbage, and any actual "benefits" are minuscule to nonexistent.
09-09-2024 02:50 PM
Terrible idea. Not even dipping into the various ethical concerns of generative AI content training, it's absolutely horrible for the environment in numerous ways and there is simply no justification for causing that sort and degree of environmental damage for superfluous bells and whistles most people wish companies would stop forcing on them to begin with. Be responsible, be ethical, don't be yet more pushy dicks about AI.
09-09-2024 02:51 PM
For all that is holy PLEASE DON'T .
Generative AI wastes lots of resources, is bad for environment, steals from legitimate creators. Even if it's results are getting better (instead of the current medicore at best to straight up garbage at worst) it's still unethical and not worth it. Especially when it can be used illegally to create fake news, possibly fake evidence in court cases, or illegal pornography (like of minors of people who didn't consent to be depicted). Asking a human to do it is much harder and risky (therefore discouraging) for the felon - using AI would give them much more cover and they could cause more harm in shorter time till they're caught. And besides - it's not making any money and even investors are starting to doubt it.
To sum up: AI is sometimes looking cool but still unethical at best and outright harmful to people (not only artists it steals from) at worst. It will turn out better for you if you stand with the artists and other people against AI.
09-09-2024 02:51 PM
No. No, no, no.
You add this, I'm either finding another browser, or moving to a cave.
09-09-2024 02:54 PM
To put it succinctly, I will swap browsers if this is implemented.
09-09-2024 02:53 PM - edited 09-09-2024 02:57 PM
I have absolutely no interest in using any AI stuff ever, and I do not want to be put at risk of accidentally using it despite my wishes. AI brings too many ethical and *especially* environmental issues with it, that the aimed for implementation of an AI service is just extremely disappointing to see. Just no. No to AI forever.
Edit: additionally I would like to mention that I will *definitely* be switching to a browser that doesn't endorse AI if this gets implemented. I love Firefox, but I'm not willing to support AI. (And I specifically made an account just to share my disdain for this plan)
09-09-2024 02:53 PM
I absolutely do not want an environment-wrecking plagiarism machine involved in firefox even in an optional capacity. We're better than this. No AI. It's poorly named and not intelligent in any way, but regardless, I don't want it. No to this proposal.
09-09-2024 02:54 PM
Please, please, please, PLEASE do not implement AI into firefox! It feels like a massive privacy violation, and makes me feel uncomfortable with the idea with browsing any sort of adult media. I don't want my porn being scanned for AI, and as an artist, I *definitely* don't want my WIP screenshots that I take and send via mozilla to be being scanned for AI, either! Not only is it my sole source of income, I pour my heart and soul into my art- some of these pieces have been WIP's since 2021, and I'm still actively working on them!
PLEASE do not implement AI into Mozilla. You are one of our last bastions of not having our data skimmed for profits- if you lose that, what makes you any better than :spitting: google chrome?
09-09-2024 02:54 PM
Do Not Do This.
Lots of folks have expressed it better above and in articles than me, but the addition of AI is not only a gross waste of resources (water, power, etc) and Plagiarism HQ, it is antithetical to the reason most of us jumped over to Firefox in the first place. We found new browsers before, and we will do it again if needs must.
09-09-2024 02:54 PM - edited 09-09-2024 02:57 PM
NO, than you very much! This is the last thing that I want. It turned google search engine to sh*t. The results are below average, it consums too much natural ressources to function, and it steals from actual creators for content. No, no,no, did I mention no??