11:55 AM
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02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-09-2024 03:47 AM
09-09-2024 04:02 AM
Thanks but no thanks.
09-09-2024 04:04 AM
Stop it. Don't implement anything and instead use Ai as a differentiator from all the other browser vendors cramming this down our throats. You're supposed to be the browser that cares about privacy.
09-09-2024 04:06 AM
Could you spend time and money in actually improving this browser instead of adding more crap on it? Generative AI is not ethical tech, neither environmental friendly. Who would even say it's private, as companies need to scrape files from people without their consent. Ironically privacy is what this goddamn browser was supposed to be focused on. You could be different from anyone else, but no, the hype is so good.
09-09-2024 04:07 AM
Guys... NO.
Please, please: NO. Please don't give us reason to mistrust the only piece of software we've been able to unreservedly trust until now. 😕
Thanks. (And also: NO.)
09-09-2024 04:09 AM
Congrats on getting me to make an account, I guess.
Do NOT do this. I'd literally rather have a feature that zapped me every time I got distracted on the internet (which, given the ADHD...) than an LLM baked into my browser.
The unethical nature of LLMs is so broadly known even amongst the technologically semiliterate that there's roughly 0% chance you're not aware. At this point, I have to assume you're amongst the men who just want to watch the world burn (literally, considering the enhanced demands on the power grid from LLM Server farms).
The ethical issues are myriad. The strain on the power grid results in many knock-on effects that are detrimental to the most vulnerable among us. Environmental impacts, rising cost of energy to run things like heat, medical devices, refrigerators, increased wear on grid infrastructure... All so we can... Blatantly violate copyright in our endeavor to more poorly express ourselves? Proliferate misinformation? No really, what? Because I've seen what happens when people use LLMs instead of writing for themselves, and it wasn't good.
These companies literally run off of stolen data. They cannot even begin to claim even a passing interest in maintaining privacy.
Rethink your choices, because this one is shameful. We do not want, let alone need, the integration of LLMs into the browser. Not now, not ever.
09-09-2024 04:08 AM
Actively do not want any built-in AI integrations. Just let Firefox's focus be being a good web browser, please, we beg of you.
09-09-2024 04:13 AM
Please, please, do not do this. Please keep AI out of our browser. Please.
09-09-2024 04:13 AM
Please just no. This stuff is useless.
09-09-2024 04:13 AM
Absolutely not. You do this and I am either locking into a version that pre-dates the AI, or I am looking elsewhere. I am sick to death of AI in everything. I don’t want it, don’t need it and quite frankly hate it.
I thought Firefox was supposed to be the good one? The one that valued privacy and user protection.
09-09-2024 04:13 AM
Absolutely not. I don't care that it's optional, this will decrease the likelihood that I continue to use firefox and lowers my perception of the brand and product.
09-09-2024 04:14 AM
Firefox user here; I think AI shouldn't be added to Firefox. Current generative ai models require massive amounts of theft to function while not actually performing any useful tasks that aren't better performed by a search engine.
09-09-2024 04:14 AM
No thank you. I know this is optional, but I don't feel the browser needs it at all. I use Firefox so I don't have to deal with this sort of thing, tbh.
09-09-2024 04:14 AM
no, thanks. AI function is not needed in Firefox and is detrimental to both our planet and our internet spaces. thanks for the Firefox team for everything y'all do, but this is one feature I would gladly scrap immediately.
09-09-2024 04:15 AM
I made a profile solely to comment on this and say:
Your user base comes to Firefox over all the other big name companies because you DON'T scrape data, because you do respect privacy. Now you want to take the first step into this overhyped, unethical, environmentally damaging world of LLMs and the con artists who are riding the wave and using them to scrape as much data and money as they can before the bottom drops out? Seriously? For what? Nobody asked for this. If we wanted inescapable LLM we'd all go back to Chrome and Safari and whatever else.
This feels like the first step towards losing the safe haven that Mozilla is. Like removing "Don't Be Evil" as a creed. Please, don't go down this road.
09-09-2024 04:16 AM
I am really concerned by the fact of not having the choice ,not to just be able to disable AI services ,but not having a AI Integration free firefox , i really believe that firefox should give the choice of a version with no AI code .
09-09-2024 04:15 AM
Jesus Christ Firefox team. Many of us have had enough of many companies adding this AI garbage to everything . This stuff is harmful to the environment, and AI is also using more resources and causing climate change to get here faster ( we already had temperatures up to 100 DEGREES). But this crap is harmful to artists, writers, and other creatives. Plus, people are making fake videos that would cause dangerous consequences ( like someone being framed for a crime they never committed).
I have been using Firefox as my go-to browser since Edge and Chrome have been implementing this AI crap, ad I do not want to use it. if you go ahead with this. I will remove your software and look for another alternative.
09-09-2024 04:17 AM
Here's another idea: how about no.
09-09-2024 04:17 AM
Please no. I'm so tired of AI being shoved down my throat at every turn. It's a useless, false technology that does more harm than good in the creative fields. I'd rather Firefox remained AI free
09-09-2024 04:15 AM
I don't want no integration of AI of any kind in this browser.
Not even on an optional basis.
09-09-2024 04:17 AM
I do NOT want this bs, please reject it post haste
09-09-2024 04:20 AM
Nobody wants that. AI isn't actually useful for anything. It does not 'boost productivity' and it is built on violating privacy and copyright - both of which go directly against core principles of Mozilla.
09-09-2024 04:19 AM
So disappointed in the effect ai is having on the Internet. Please spare us. I also despise the wasted resources I hear about. Leave "ai" to more practical uses in a more limited scope and away from the broader Internet
09-09-2024 04:20 AM
We do not need more ai resources. This is a bad idea and I will have to fond a new browser that does not support the use of ai
09-09-2024 04:22 AM
Please do not put generative AI or AI services in Mozilla products, even as an optional feature. The lack of them is the main reason I switched over to Firefox.
09-09-2024 04:23 AM
Please understand that the users who DON'T value openness, privacy, and transparency have already left.
As for the rest o us, if you enable this garbage, we will switch it off.
If you make it mandatory, we will have no reason left to stay.
09-09-2024 04:23 AM
If you put AI in Firefox, I will stop using Firefox. AI is built on stolen data and I personally know people who have lost their jobs because of it.
09-09-2024 04:24 AM
I understand that this is a trial period but I will absolutely begin searching for alternatives to Firefox as well as cancelling my Mozilla vpn if llm/chatbot/generative ai tools are integrated into Firefox. Privacy concerns, environmental concerns, and the fact that such chatbots demonstrably obscure information and make browsing the web more confusing are all reasons I find this absolutely infuriating. I am deeply disappointed in this move by Mozilla to chase a harmful tech trend that I’m sure will soon (but not soon enough) go the way of the NFTs. Your users largely do not want this and it is not difficult to foresee it going from an optional integration to a forced one like every other tech company has shoehorned into their products. At most this should be an extension, not an integration into Firefox.
In short: NO
09-09-2024 04:24 AM
I am deeply, deeply disappointed that Mozilla is jumping on the incredibly unethical LLM train. LLMs have, as we have major and ample evidence of, are completely and utterly useless for anything resembling web searching or research, because of the incredibly high instances of hallucinated data. So Mozilla is adding something that can only be used for "fun" that comes at the cost of having to scrape as much data as possible—including copyrighted data!—and an immense waste of natural resources.
Truly cannot overstate my upset and disappointment.
09-09-2024 04:26 AM
Please do NOT add AI to Firefox, this is my last safe browser of the internet!!! AI is exhausting and legitimately dangerous in its efforts of spreading misinformation across the internet! Please please please do NOT do this!!!
09-09-2024 04:27 AM
I've been a diehard Firefox fan for a while. I believe in the core that Mozilla has established for privacy, and incorporating AI "features" would be antithetical to that mission. Please don't.
09-09-2024 04:27 AM
If you could find me literally one person who asked for this.....
09-09-2024 04:28 AM
no. make it an extension. if this is integrated into the browser, I and hundreds of thousands of others will no longer support Mozilla.
09-09-2024 04:30 AM
Please for the love of why I use Firefox in the first place do NOT drink the kool-aid of adding "AI" into the browser.
09-09-2024 04:31 AM
Stop trying to shoehorn AI into everything!
09-09-2024 04:28 AM
Generative AI is not useful. There is no actual application for a sentence guesser that is full of internet **bleep** posts. Anything else it can do is only because a rube-goldberg machine has been dropped on top of the **bleep**post auto fill base. Unless you mean some kind of nonLLM AI, but actually useful AI is very targeted and has a specific purpose.
09-09-2024 04:32 AM
Absolutely not. AI has given me nothing and has demonstrated its general uselessness for search engines and browsers on an almost daily basis through your competition. I'm am emphatically not interested.
09-09-2024 04:33 AM
AI is garbage and kills people (see AI mushroom guides), not to mention originality and critical thought. Go back to IBM's dictate: "A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make management decisions." The world is full of lazy people with no understanding of how AI works; enabling them to offload thought of all kinds will ruin lives, careers, and public life.
09-09-2024 04:35 AM
Absolutely not. Keep this AI garbage out of the only good browser there is.
09-09-2024 04:35 AM
Although I appreciate the thought to make it optional and needing to be turned on manually, as well as not affecting any of Firefox's core functionality, I feel like this might be a highly unpopular implementation as far as the majority of users is concerned. I understand the need to keep up with technological trends, however I feel this isn't the best use of Firefox's funds and budget and those funds are better used elsewhere in Firefox's infrastructure.
Also, Ai is unreliable and eats up resources in general, and I am not comfortable implementing such a feature on a small scale, as this will inevitably lead to feature creep and runs the risk of relying too much on this unreliable AI model and having it take over more and more of Firefox's functionality over time which NOBODY wants.
Your userbase specifically uses Firefox to get away from the corporate stranglehold of other browsers and services. It would be detrimental to follow their trends when your audience is specifically here for the opposite of features like this.