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Searching and always asking for google sign or accept policy

Making moves


At Firefox mobile when I open and do a search, with google configure as main search, I’m always asked to login or accept the google policy.

Why the browser don’t save the information for next search’s? 



Making moves

I understand that you are facing an issue with Firefox mobile where, despite having Google configured as the main search engine, you are prompted to login or accept Google's policy every time you perform a search. You are wondering why the browser does not save your information for the next search and would like some help with this.

One possible reason for this issue could be that your browser settings are not configured to save cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your device and contain information about your browsing activity, including login information and preferences. If your browser settings are not configured to save cookies, then you may be prompted to login or accept policies every time you perform a search.

To resolve this issue, you can check your browser settings and make sure that cookies are enabled. To do this, go to the Firefox menu, select "Settings", then scroll down to the "Privacy & Security" section. Make sure that the "Accept cookies from websites" option is enabled.

If cookies are already enabled, then you may want to try clearing your browser cache and cookies. This can help to resolve any issues with saved data and settings.

If the issue still persists after trying these steps, you may want to contact the Firefox support team for further assistance. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the issue and find a solution that works for you.


Thanks for the fast response. I already have clear all the data but I don’t have any option to enable or disable the cookies. I’m running the iOS version. Will ask for further help. 


Making moves

I confirm same error here: any first new page opened at mozilla firefox launch does not launch cookies. The 2nd page open (or refresh of the 1st page) opens the cookie jar.
It looks like a bug.

How to reproduce:

- in IOS close app mobile mozilla firefox

- open app mobile mozilla forefox (default page is homepage)

- open any new page where cookies are supposed to be stored and user already opted-in to have cookie stored (eg: Google search engine)

- cookies are not loaded and webpage prompts if user wants to store cookies and log-in

Bug reported on Firefox mobile v 117.2 (33911), running on IOS v16.6.1

Can Mozilla support team please look into it?


Please see this bug thread:

A workaround was found when disabling the "Close Private Tabs" setting
Worked for me!

Making moves

for me it was a clearing data, cookies, etc but in the end it was the password conflict in firefox browser with google sign-in. Privacy and Security go to logins and passwords, then click saved logins....look for google saved logins/PWs then delete passwords for google sites. Since Google sign-in already has a prompt with secondary security measure to give access to account on your tablet or cell etc.