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Remove the "extension" is slowing down the browser message, or start being more honest

Making moves

The browser can be slow as molasses sometimes, even with no extensions loaded, so it's troubling to see Firefox quickly try to blame an extension for slowing it down, rather than say nothing. 

We aren't using this browser because its the fastest. We use this browser because it is "not chrome or edge". We don't care if it takes a few extra seconds to load a page. 

This message which tries to throw innocent extensions under the bus is troubling. We would rather see Mozilla "own it" than try and blame some 3rd party, that has NOTHING to do with the slowness. As I said the browser can be slow as sheet without anything loaded.

In short, the slowness to load doesn't not bother us, what bothers us is seeing Mozilla act like a 4 year old, blaming their kid brother for something they did.