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Please update "Transferring data to a new profile" help page

Making moves

Firefox people,

the following page is out of date:

There is no such thing as "Help -> Troubleshooting Information".

There is only "Help -> More Troubleshooting Information".

That's only the start, because on that page, there is no such thing as "Open Containing Folder". or something that looks like it. So from there, the user is stuck and has no clue how to update her/his profile.

This is VERY annoying because of the way you've programmed to so-called "profile" stuff: every then and now Firefox forces users to create new profiles that start from scratch, and then all to info in the prior profile is lost (bookmarks and all that). There is no robust going back to the old profile under about:profiles, because Firefox will keep going and ban that old profile again next time as allegedly old and who knows what.

SERIOUSLY annoying. Also the procedure for updating profile looks fiendishly complicated, given that it is something that Firefox/Mozillas now routinely and frequently requires ppl to do.

Why not make it simple? Make Firefox kind to users again.




Hi, mozillaZine is one of the original community sites for Mozilla software, and it's independent of Mozilla. You may also want to look at Mozilla Support articles on transferring profile data, for example:

Not also files will work equally well in a different profiles, so depending on your needs, you could post a question on Mozilla Support. Here's a link to the new question form (for Windows/Mac/Linux):


@firefx_be_kind wrote:

This is VERY annoying because of the way you've programmed to so-called "profile" stuff: every then and now Firefox forces users to create new profiles that start from scratch, and then all to info in the prior profile is lost (bookmarks and all that). There is no robust going back to the old profile under about:profiles, because Firefox will keep going and ban that old profile again next time as allegedly old and who knows what.

This should only happen when installing or running an older version of Firefox. When a profile folder's contents are updated to work with a new release, that folder is marked as incompatible with older releases. If you are running into this problem frequently, it could indicate a dual install of Firefox, or corrupted program files. It would be a good topic for a new Mozilla Support question.