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Pinned Tabs recovery After opening two seperate windows and then closing the main window

Making moves

Pinned Tabs recovery

If you open two seperate windows and then closing the main window that has multiple Pinned_Tabs then those tabs can't be recovered?

There are certain tabs I want to keep opened every time I open the browser and I had like 10 different tabs that I don't even remember what was opened because I was going to do some tasks later when I had the time but GONE! this had happened before and I am aware of the most recently closed tabs but they aren't there?!

Seriously, fix this issue soon as possible and make sure those pinned tabs are not cleared from browser history unless the user confirms to clear history of those pinned tabs.

and have a additional section in history for pinned tabs so if this ever happens to anyone they can simple check the pinned tabs history and recovery the lost tabs.

Watch the video:

thank you



The moment you realize this, immediately go to the History menu to restore the closed window, or use the keyboard shortcut:

  • menu button > History > Recently Closed Windows
  • (menu var) History > Recently Closed Windows
  • Ctrl+Shift+N

To propose changes to how pinned tabs are remembered/stored, you can start a new thread on the "Ideas" side of this site, or vote for an existing idea along the same lines.

This doesn't work:

I am aware of this as I mentioned in the feedback:
..............happened before and I am aware of the most recently closed tabs but they aren't there?!

Ctrl+Shift+N works! Thank you! 😍

Ctrl+Shift+N Lifesaver! Grateful!


Thank you for the video. The "Recently Closed Tabs" list is only for the current window. Before you can see the closed tabs from the other window, you first need to restore it from "Recently Closed Windows" (the second list, where it says Clash of Clans) and then, if necessary, check the "Recently Closed Tabs" in that window. I think this may be different from some other browsers that mix tabs from different windows on their recently closed tabs list.


Thank you. This is the perfect instruction on how to restore your original window that has your pinned tabs.

This has to be a bug or some kind of over sight.  Pinned tabs disappear when having other firefox windows opened for me which is how I like to manage different projects I am working on.  😞

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