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PDF Editor

Making moves

Mozilla enounced with the newest firefox version a functionality which should allow to edit PDF - documents, which would reduce the printing of the PDFs. With the firefox version update a Test - PDF is enclosed for testing this. I tried it but i could not e.g. fill the PDF - fields. 




Hi Markus, if you have Firefox's PDF handling set to "Open in Firefox", then the tools are on the right end of the viewer's toolbar. This article has a lot of info on the viewer:


View solution in original post



Hi Helmut, Firefox has some annotation features, which you will find on the PDF viewer toolbar toward the right end. But I don't think Firefox can edit the text/images in the PDF. Maybe I missed an announcement. Can you link to it?

Indeed, it is only possible for the moment, to add text in color + font size, and to draw/write freehand. As far as modification is concerned, this is not yet relevant but personally, I would like it to be added soon so that it acts as a complete PDF editor, like those of competitors on the market.
En effet, il n'est possible uniquement pour le moment, de rajouter du texte en couleur + taille de police, et de dessiner/écrire à main levée.
Pour ce qui concerne la modification, cela n'est pas encore d'actualité mais personnellement, j'aimerais bien que cela soit ajouté prochainement pour que cela fasse comme un éditeur PDF complet, comme ceux des concurrents du marché.

Alan Decoster

Hi Alan,

can you tell us where to find this option? I clicked, downloaded the file but modification will be done by Apple's preview.



Hi Markus, if you have Firefox's PDF handling set to "Open in Firefox", then the tools are on the right end of the viewer's toolbar. This article has a lot of info on the viewer:


Hi, i looked at the documentation and there is the following noted:

"Some PDF files (e.g. forms) contain interactive fields. With the PDF viewer integrated in Firefox, you can fill in or select these fields (text fields, checkboxes or radio buttons)."

Will see, whether it works ....

Thanks and best regards Helmut

Is it possible add a PNG picture ? Because I have a signature in PNG file that I want to use, but I don't see how can I add a file picture (my picture).

Following the handling set to Open in Firefox , the tool Print is still not working.

I have opened a PDF in embed iframe.

Is there a solution to get the print tool to function.?

@Sietwolt wrote:

Following the handling set to Open in Firefox , the tool Print is still not working.

I have opened a PDF in embed iframe.

Is there a solution to get the print tool to function.?

Firefox's built-in PDF Viewer has a toolbar with a Print button. If the frame is narrow, this button might "overflow" to the drop-down menu at the right end of the toolbar, where you see the >> button.

If there is no toolbar above the embedded PDF, it's possible that the site is presenting the content in its own viewer. You could try

right-click the framed page > This Frame > Print Frame...

If the site customizes the right-click menu, try holding the Shift key while right-clicking to summon Firefox's built-in right-click context menu.

Thanks. Indeed if i right-click the frame a menu pops up with a.o. 'this frame' and with a click on this, there are several possibilities also for printing the frame. Still a bit pitty that the print button in the frame does not work.

All in all, thanks for the solution.

J'aimerai avoir la possibilité d'imprimer les PDF avec une option : économiser de l'encre ou du toner (jusqu'à 15%) comme dans l'application native d'Adobe.


I would like to have the possibility to print PDFs with an option to save ink or toner (up to 15%) like the native Adobe application.

I create a post as  new idea and I don't how cancel this reply. If you can do it would be fine

Making moves

the smoothing effect make checking boxes look weird and curvy. I'd like to save powerpoints to pdfs 2perpage so that there are two slides on a portrait page the right way up so I can read it and use the printout feature in microsoft onenote. but right now it can't do that, the 2 per page is not useful the way they're orientated right now whereas microsoft edge's pdf printing is able to do it

Making moves

I really like to able to edit a pdf file. However I've recently been made aware that if you print the pdf after you insert information not  already in the form,the information you inserted will not print.

@w57 wrote:

I really like to able to edit a pdf file. However I've recently been made aware that if you print the pdf after you insert information not  already in the form,the information you inserted will not print.

Maybe it varies from one form to another? What if you test using something like

Does Firefox print that with the entered data (you only need to print page 1).

Making moves

Up til now have been using the FOX IT plugin for online PDF's in Firefox. Seems to work well. Some others with more experience with it should chime in as I mainly use it for basic view and form filling.

Now, as to the new Firefox PDF app... I recommend allowing us to drag tools from the right end menu to the PDF zoom bar strip/area. I'd like to select common tools with one click.Would add a star for my rating!

I notice in the Firefox Settings >General > Applications that Firefox PDF has pushed out the FoxIt plugin.

Also the FoxIt plugin is gone (installed with FoxIt 4 years ago). I do find an "Open with Foxit Reader" plugin/ext (4.5 stars) if I search the online FF extensions library.



SIG: * Basic truths *
Civilization demands maintenance! If The Earth Was Flat Cats Would Have Pushed Everything Off It -Wise Cat Owner

@Jopower wrote:

I notice in the Firefox Settings >General > Applications that Firefox PDF has pushed out the FoxIt plugin.

Also the FoxIt plugin is gone (installed with FoxIt 4 years ago). I do find an "Open with Foxit Reader" plugin/ext (4.5 stars) if I search the online FF extensions library.

Firefox 52 was the last version that embedded "binary" (NPAPI) PDF plugins like Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader into a tab. If you prefer a specific program, you can set Firefox to open PDFs in that program instead of opening them in a tab.


Hmmm, guess I hadn't noticed. Have been using FF since ver 3 and FoxIt since ver 4. Had just expected it to be in the plugins like somewhere in 2010. Now curious why FoxIt was still handling my online PDF's?

SIG: * Basic truths *
Civilization demands maintenance! If The Earth Was Flat Cats Would Have Pushed Everything Off It -Wise Cat Owner

Making moves

Filling in non-Latin-1 text in Firefox results in a document that PDF viewers do not understand.  Depending on the viewer, either

  • some texts are missing, or
  • the offending characters are missing, or
  • the offending and following characters are missing.

Work-around: print the form instead of saving it.  The file will be much bigger but it will display everywhere.

Making moves

Wouldn't it be nice if, after setting the font colour and size and the line colour, thickness, and opacity to what you would normally like to use, these settings could be saved as defaults for the next time you open a PDF, intending to annotate it?

But no, on opening a new PDF in Firefox, you have to set these things all over again (in contrast with Acrobat Reader, which remembers them from session to session).

Don't get me wrong: this is a great leap forward and moves Firefox some way beyond being merely a PDF reader. But "save settings" capability is necessary before Firefox will be really usable as a PDF annotation tool.

@Zapfenzieher wrote:

Wouldn't it be nice if, after setting the font colour and size and the line colour, thickness, and opacity to what you would normally like to use, these settings could be saved as defaults for the next time you open a PDF, intending to annotate it?

I think the PDF viewer follows the model of many web applications that reset when you reload the page (or in this case, load a different document into the viewer). It would be nice to be able to set your own defaults and have them persist.

You could start a new "Idea" thread on this site, or submit an issue at or file a bug on

Making moves

Hi, I just tried the PDF editor for the first time, upon receiving the notification about its availability.
I came across two issues (which I think have not been mentioned in the thread above):
I can't find an "undo" or "back" function (I tried my signature with the draw tool and it looked weird, so I wanted to undo it).
Also, I could not check the boxes, the only way seemed to be the text tool and write the letter x in the box.
Any solutions to these?

@Kleni wrote:

I came across two issues (which I think have not been mentioned in the thread above):
I can't find an "undo" or "back" function (I tried my signature with the draw tool and it looked weird, so I wanted to undo it).

I discovered this by accident: if you click one of the buttons for the 3 tools, then hover your mouse pointer over the annotation you want to remove, Firefox should show a rectangle. Click in the rectangle to select it, then a little trash can button will appear below the box to delete it.

Also, I could not check the boxes, the only way seemed to be the text tool and write the letter x in the box.

If the author didn't set it up as a PDF form, then yes, it's just a graphic that you have to mark up using the text tool rather than a real form control.


Making moves

Hi, I'd like the various size sliders to show the numeric equivalent so I can more precisely have consistency on text font, line widths etc.


Making moves

As quick feedback, one tiny simple tool which I would expect from a PDF editor: removing and re-arranging pages.

I had a scanned & OCR'd document, and wanted to remove the last page from it, but could not find a way to do it. Tried to do it by printing specific pages into a file, but that seemed to break the text from the OCR (and increase the document size substantially).

As an extra idea, if it's not too hard a task, it would also be cool if we could do the opposite as well, i.e., merge more than one PDF into a single document

Making moves

Hi,  I'm trying to figure out how to edit the default settings on the pdf editor.  For example, I edit lots of files and every time I close, it forgets the last colour I used for text and for marking up.  Its a small change, but it would be nice to maintain my settings.

Making moves

Thanks a lot for the PDF editor !

It's a gold nugget and made my day


Making moves

Edit not working on your sample file after browser update.

Making moves

This tool is almost useful, but is missing a big piece of editing. There is no way to flatten the results. Any added text or images/signature stamps are simply just pdf comments. If I send a form to someone, I don't want my content to be immediately editable by the recipient. Sure you can always use a pdf editing tool to try to modify things anyway, but there needs to be a passable attempt here at generating a finalized document.

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