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Opened or closed folder stay not stabile in next run

Making moves

I use many tabs. Each tab is a specific email account. So I setted the folder list with only the account from the tab showing the subfolders, and all other account folders closed.

I shut the program down. Next run, Thunderbird opens all folders, despite I had set them closed. And there is no special command like Ctrl+- or Ctrl+/ that closes all opened folders. I must close each one, one after the other.

Any ideas?

thanks and regards

TB - PortableApp version, 115.6.0 64b




Try (to see if) folderTree.json
For your information, you can view the contents of folderTree.json with Notepad

Go to your profile, Open Folder
Then, stop Thunderbird
Then, in your profile, delete the file folderTree.json or rename the file (for example) folderTree.json-old
Then, launch Thunderbird
Then, perform your checks
folderTree.json will be created automatically

It seems that folderTree.json is a file to a simple view in only one tab, showing how each folder will be displayed at the left side.

I can presume, problem is, I have 7 tabs opened, each one with a specific folder structure (almost all closed but one opened - and this only for the account for this tab).

This probably confuses the presentation of other tabs, since each tab always has a different folder open and others closed.

The offerede proposal (delete folderTree.json) doesn't solve the issue. As I said: there are 7 tabs, each one with a different folder structure. I think, Trbrd can't administrate this.

Making moves

And thanks a lot for your answer, Agentvirtuel!