11-29-2024 01:42 PM
With regard to the full-page feature notice I'm seeing on my screen after I just now updated Firefox for PC: no shopping-tag icon appears in my Firefox browser. I'm not concerned about it, but i thought I'd give you a 'heads-up.'
12-01-2024 12:07 PM
I am not seeing the Review Checker, nor any advice on how to get it running. Should be a useful feature, IF it actually works. Or has Amazon figured out a way to block it?
12-02-2024 09:20 AM
Just came here to add my "me too". No such icon appears in the amazon search bar even on the page that is specifically linked to by "Try it".
12-03-2024 08:32 AM
me too.
12-12-2024 03:02 PM
You are not missing out. The review checker is completely unreliable. It gives an automatic F to all products with vine reviews, and the "adjusted rating" is easily proven nonsensical with a bit of math.
As it stands the review checker does more harm than good. It needs massive improvements before it's worth looking at.
No, I'm not an angry seller irritated because I got caught posting fake reviews.
12-26-2024 12:41 PM
Where is this feature? Is it only available to a select few?