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Improvements for Private Window, Mobile Browsing, and Downloads

Making moves

Hello everyone! I have a few suggestions for improving the Firefox browser that I wanted to share.  First, I think it would be helpful if the private window feature was made a darker shade to more clearly distinguish it from the regular window. This would make it easier for users to quickly identify which window they are using and ensure that they are not accidentally browsing in a private window when they intended to use the regular window.  Next, I think it would be great to have a pull to refresh feature on Firefox for the mobile version. This is a common feature on other mobile browsers and having the ability to quickly refresh a webpage by pulling down on the page would save time and make browsing more efficient.  Finally, I suggest adding a visible download bar similar to the one found in Google Chrome. This would make it easier for users to see the progress of their downloads and access them once they are complete.  What do you all think of these suggestions? It would be great to hear your thoughts and ideas.