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Hulu has just intentionally blocked live tv from working in Firefox.

Making moves

As of today Hulu made it so you cannot stream live TV on Firefox.

I called tech support and they gave me the typical low level tech support help.

- clear your history

-clear your cache

- restart and wait 60 sec.

all that and nothing.

The site worked on MS edge an i noticed you cannot fast forward through commercials anymore.

Pretty sure they intentionally blocked Firefox from live stream because you could FF through ads.


Making moves

Any new fixes?  My isn't working as well.

Making moves

Doesn't work here either. Worked just fine until the newest update 129.0. Now I can only watch live TV on Hulu via Chrome or Edge. PITA.

I have never been able to FF through ads.

Making moves

I saw a reddit post which said to go into "about:config"

then search - media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled

and make it 0

worked for me

OOO thank you!!

I've got problem with canal plus online - this fix works!!

Thank you, Thunder!  Your fix worked perfectly!

Open your config by typing about:config in the search bar.

Accept the risk

In the search bar add media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled with a value of 0.

Thanks so much!!

Making moves

Thanks the above worked like a charm.  This was driving me crazy

Making moves

Worked here as well! Thanks!

Where can I find this "about:config" ?

I am about ready to cancel my Hulu Paid Subscription.




Type it into the search engine, just type about:config

Thank you so much thethunderxi.

I will try it now.


Open your config by typing about:config in the search bar.

Accept the risk

In the search bar add media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled with a value of 0.

Making moves

This worked like a charm.Hope I did not break Firefox.

I am so happy, I am doing the Happy Dance!

Thank you all so much.


Making moves

Open your config by typing about:config in the search bar.

Accept the risk

In the search bar add media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled with a value of 0.

Thank you UpcomingMin. 🙂

Making moves

FYI. FF update just set that media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled value to zero as well.

Making moves

Open your config by typing about:config in the search bar.

Accept the risk

In the search bar add media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled with a value of 0.

This did not work for me.  😞

unless I didn't do it right.

did the about:config, entered the media.eme.mfcdm.origin-filter.enabled, changed value to 0, closed tab.  Did I need to close and reopen Firefox or something?  Do something else after I changed the value to 0?  Reboot my whole computer?

Hulu/Disney+ won't even let me log in after the last Firefox update.  Same story, low level support BS until they just said "well use a different browser then."

Making moves

Hulu has made a controversial decision to block live TV access on Firefox, sparking frustration among users. This move forces viewers to switch browsers or devices, raising concerns about fairness and compatibility. Many are questioning Hulu's motives, urging the platform to prioritize user experience by supporting a broader range of browsers. If it's still not working, you can install the RTS TV app on any of your mobile devices and use it.

I certainly hope Mozilla's legal team is taking Hulu to court on this matter.  In similar news, Google has altered the coding in Youtube to make it very difficult or impossible to use in Firefox, yet it works fine in their own browser, Chrome.  I would think a class action lawsuit needs to be brought against both Hulu and Google.

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