- Croatian grammar (just like the Czech grammar) has 7 declension forms: nominativ, genitiv, dativ, akuzativ, vokativ, lokativ and instrumental.
The string "Firefox" in the "Firefox" translation component (https://pontoon.mozilla.org/hr/firefox/all-resources/?search=firefox&string=192265) is missing the "vokativ" value field for the Croatian translation (it is implemented in Czech).
Please consider implementing the field "Value voc" in all instances for Croatian, which would cover all 7 Croatian declenasions. - Should "gender" and "case-status" fields - which I found in the same string of the Czech translation - generaly be translated?
Please send me a link for all "Values" fields and "case:" attributes and let me know whether, when or how to use them.
Sorry for so many questions and informations at once 🙂